4 Simple Tips to Embrace Your Spiritual Heart Through Yoga

4 Simple Tips to Embrace Your
Spiritual Heart Through Yoga

By Mellara Gold

Reading time: 4 minutes

First a little invocation - May we take a moment to give thanks to all the many blessings that yoga brings to us, and to all those with whom your life touches.

These words are from one of my very first yoga teacher’s, and as clear as day I can still remember asking him if I could also speak them after my classes. He said yes and for more than two decades these words still resonate inside me today as I offer them up after each class. And now offer them up to you as you read these words from my heart to yours.

Yoga has been inviting us to explore the depths of our spiritual heart for thousands of years. The word “Yoga” first appears in the Rig Veda, an ancient sacred text written in Sanskrit that is part of the Vedas, a series of Hindu texts. Yet the benefits of yoga also extend beyond any words, books and dare I to even say the physical practice. Because as we dig deeper into our beloved yoga journey, we might just find ourselves reflecting on how we are living our life, our values and life offerings.

Essentially the lessons learned on the mat help to shape our daily life, planting seeds of wisdom that blossom into actions of the heart. Because our yoga practice offers us the opportunity to reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. And through introspection and our own insight we uncover patterns that no longer serve us, releasing those limiting messages in our mind, and open ourselves up to new ways of being. This process of self-inquiry can help us connect with our true selves and align with our spiritual path.

Like I’m curious… have you ever caught yourself distracted and just going through the motions of life? You certainly wouldn’t be alone if you did. Yet as we dedicate some time to our practice every day we are ironically given the gift of more time and feeling less distracted.

Yet how could this be true?

I think it might be because yoga teaches us to be mindful in daily tasks which helps us to slow down and truly listen and when we do we sometimes have the feeling illusion of having more time. Which is really positive for us since so many of us complain of having no time for ourselves and what we love to do.

When we focus on each pose and each breath we are like a musical instrument tuning into our heart's whispers and wisdom. This inner dialogue reveals what truly matters to us, guiding all our decisions and outlook on life. And in the hustle and bustle of our modern world, it's easy to become disconnected from our spiritual selves. Especially with all the demands of modern life and the constant bombardment of information.

So when we practice regularly it’s almost like we have the opportunity to float above the mundane stresses, yet not bypass them either. I have a feeling its because Yoga grounds us into our true essence, our spiritual heart if you will, healing us to come from this place in all that we do in life.

The practice of yoga is a powerful tool for connecting with our spiritual heart and deepening our sense of self-awareness. By cultivating mindfulness, opening our bodies, focusing on the breath, meditating, and engaging in self-reflection, we can tap into the wisdom and love that already resides within each one of us.


Through the asanas, and even washing the dishes in a mindful way we nurture our spiritual connection, align with our true essence, and cultivate a sense of peace, harmony, and joy in our lives. And it just might be true to say that our spiritual heart isn’t just an organ; it’s where our deepest feelings and beliefs dwell. It's tied to our emotions and essence. Think of it like your personal compass, guiding you through life and by nurturing your spiritual heart, we can find peace and purpose in the every day unfolding of our lives.

Here are 4 simple tips to open yourself to your spiritual heart.

This process requires dedication and practice, and by following these four simple steps, you can begin to unlock the power of your spiritual heart.

  1. Quiet your mind and create a calm and peaceful environment for reflection and introspection. This can be done through practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and/or spending time in nature.
  2. Engage in acts of kindness and compassion towards yourself. And that could look like saying no to something that you might ordinarily say yes to. Even if it means that you might inadvertently disappoint another. Because when we come from our heart we honor our true feelings and energy bandwidth. And those that want the best for us will always support that.
  3. By having an open heart we naturally have it simultaneously open to others. We create and attract positive energy where more love and light comes from us and to us. This can look like offering a smile to a stranger, volunteering in your community, or listening attentively to a friend in need. These small gestures have a profound impact on our spiritual growth and can help us to open our heart to more experiences of connection and love. 
  4. Practice feeling grateful and appreciative for the littlest of blessings in your life. By acknowledging the abundance of love, joy, and beauty that is not just around you but inside of you, you are opening your heart to receive even more blessings in return. Purposefully catch something beautiful and dear about a person you are with and perhaps not only in how they look on the outside. But in the way that they make you feel when you’re around them and even telling them so. These experiences, and opportunities bring us joy and fulfillment. And by cultivating this spirit of thankfulness we invite more positive feeling and people into our life.
    As we continue to grow, contract and expand back again into our heart while following these four tips, we open not just our heart but our lives to a deeper sense of connection, love, and joy. Reminding us of the boundless love and possibilities of this beautiful earth and universe we share.

Mellara Gold

Mellara Gold E-RYT has been teaching yoga and meditation for two decades, and influenced by Hatha Yoga, Mindfulness, and Buddhism. Her radiant and inspirational teaching blends the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga with self-inquiry. She leads online and in-person workshops, retreats, and trainings and is a regular contributor to online journals and other lifestyle and spiritual magazines. Check out her teaching memoir, A Life Worth Living: A Journey of Self-Discovery Through Mindfulness, Yoga, and Living in Awareness published in 2021. And Living in Awareness: Deepening Our Daily Lives Through Prayer, Ritual, and Meditation was just published. June of 2023. Available worldwide.