4 Ways To Neutralise Your Work Stress
Work stress can leave you feeling tired and overwhelmed. Here’s how yoga can help neutralise tension to unlock a healthier you.
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Work stress is a constant part of many people’s lives. It’s something you feel whenever you’re dealing with tight deadlines or a heavy workload, leaving you tired and overwhelmed. Fortunately, yoga can help you navigate things better. How does yoga reduce stress scientifically? Learn how by understanding the science behind it when starting your practice.
Signs of Workplace Stress
Long work hours, back-to-back meetings and multitasking can affect your body and mind. It can lead to stress, which can have damaging effects on your overall well-being. Sure, you might take breaks, but your mind is still preoccupied with to-dos. When you’re overworked or overwhelmed, you may start showing some warning signs, including:
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Sleeping problems
- Fatigue
- Trouble concentrating
- Social withdrawal
- Loss of interest in work
How Yoga Helps Neutralise Work-Related Stress
Many people are stuck in stressful work situations. Thankfully, yoga can help you become more resilient. Here’s how it can help neutralise job-related stress:
1. It Encourages Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a simple yet complex practice that encourages you to focus on the present moment, which can be challenging if you’re constantly busy. Yoga is not just a physical activity but a holistic practice that engages the body and mind, helping you let go of distracting thoughts for a few minutes.
Yoga poses to try: Sun salutation pose and tree pose
2. It Lowers Cortisol Levels
Burnout can happen to you anytime. When dealing with it, your first thought may not be to roll out the yoga mat. However, research showed that an eight-week practice significantly reduced burnout among health care workers. Put on your workout gear, do some stretching and experience its relaxing benefits. Do it for at least 30 minutes to significantly lower your work stress levels.
Yoga poses to try: Child’s pose and butterfly pose
How Yoga Helps Stress
3. It Helps Reduce Physical Discomfort
If you’re wondering how yoga reduces stress scientifically, a recent study showed that it can help relieve stiffness in the back and shoulders caused by tension. It can also help boost your strength and flexibility, which are often lacking in workers who spend long hours sitting at their desks. Try yoga to help relieve back or neck discomfort.
Yoga poses to try: Downward facing dog and cobra pose
4. It Improves Body Awareness
Often, you’re so caught up in your daily routine that you forget to recognise how your body feels. Combating work stress with yoga helps you become more aware of every breath and discomfort. Constant practice enables you to use that same level of awareness to manage stressful situations better.
Yoga poses to try: Mountain poise and cat-cow pose
Simple Ways to Start Yoga for Work Stress
There are two ways you can start yoga today.
1. Enrol in a Class
Find in-person and virtual yoga classes at independent studios, health clubs, community centres and spas near you. Consult your physician before starting a new routine if you’re new to the practice or have an ongoing physical issue.
2. Watch Free Yoga Videos
You can nurture your yoga practice at home. Access free videos online and try them at your own pace to help you get into the habit of practicing more frequently.
Ease Work Stress With Yoga
Now that you understand the science behind yoga stress relief, it’s time to take action. Try yoga for work stress today and experience its holistic health benefits.