5 ways to make a bad day better
Instead of turning to wine or chocolate to make yourself feel better, try some of these tips.
By Sian Siekierski
Feeling low? Sluggish? Down-spirited?
You can’t expect to feel your best every day, but with the right routines in place and awareness of when and how you can shift your mood, you’ll have far fewer 'bad' days and have a lot more brilliant, good or ok days!
Yoga is wonderful for creating awareness of what you need to maintain equilibrium physically and mentally, and encourages you to take care of yourself by instilling discipline that establishes good habits. So, there’s no need to turn to wine or chocolate to try to make a bad day better (these are just going to make the day after worse).
Here are five ways to make a 'bad' day better - and still be good to yourself:
1 Hug and be hugged
You can self-improve all you like, but if you’re disconnected you’re still going to be hurting or feel unfulfilled. We’re at our best when we live interdependently. In the words of psychologist Erik Erikson, “We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.“
A cuddle with your child, parent, friend, partner or pet is guaranteed to lift your spirits and help you feel safe and comforted.
2 Move your body (even if it’s just a little)
You may feel like hibernating, especially when it's drab and cold outside, but a bit of movement is always a good thing. As life coach Tony Robbins says, “Emotion is created by emotion. Whatever you’re feeling right now is related to how you’re moving your body.”
If you feel stuck and unmotivated, go for the lowest barrier to entry: walk or run out your door, do a short online yoga class at home, or put some music on in your kitchen – I challenge you not to bop!
3 Take one action you’ve been delaying
'To-do' list growing every day? Take one item that’s been sitting there for a while and either ditch it, delegate it or do it! You'll feel lighter and it will boost your confidence so you are more able to take another action
4 Give an act of kindness
It can be small, but doing something thoughtful will lift someone else’s day and yours too. Chat with someone in the coffee shop; indulge your son when they want to talk about their favourite computer game; call your mum and dad; make your partner a nice dinner. Give gladly without expecting something in return.
5 Get an early night
Sleep deprivation is the enemy of clear thinking and positivity. Some days just need to be put to bed and start fresh the next. Down tools and tech a couple of hours before snoozing, maybe have a bath or read for a while, then head to the land of nod.
Lastly, remember you are not your thoughts or feelings. With regular yoga practice, you’ll be able to witness these, rather than become absorbed or defined by them, helping you to move on from 'bad' moments, hours or days – onwards and upwards.