6 Ways Yoga and Meditation Can Radiate Your Skin

6 Ways Yoga and Meditation Can Radiate Your Skin

Unlock Radiant Skin as You Age - By Lucy Couser

Reading time: 4 minutes

One of the biggest drawbacks of ageing is the effects it has on the skin, as it usually results in more wrinkles, elasticity and dryness. This has led to mature individuals opting for products like creams and oils to try to reinvigorate their skin and make it glow. However, sometimes these can have negative effects on the skin, as they can irritate in some cases.

Yoga and meditation are natural ways to keep the body feeling healthy, as these techniques can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, increase flexibility, boost focus and more. An often overlooked benefit of yoga and meditation is that they can make your skin look radiant. This makes it something that mature people should look to incorporate into their lives for healthy skin ageing.

This guide will explore the different ways that yoga and meditation can positively impact the skin and make it glow so that you can have total confidence in your appearance.


How Yoga and Meditation Benefit the Skin

Stress Management

Doing regular yoga and meditation allows you to manage your stress levels. Stress can hurt the skin, as it can cause outbreaks of acne, wrinkles, eye bags and hives. Reducing stress in your life can be key to improving your skin and keeping it looking youthful as you age. 

There are many ways you can manage your stress levels, with yoga and meditation being some of the most beneficial ways to do so. Having a structured plan in place that gives you the time you need each day for yoga or meditation can be very beneficial to your health and your skin. You should also avoid other things in life that give you stress to make this technique the most effective.

Better Sleep

Getting a good quality sleep every night can help maintain glowing skin and repair any damage that might have been caused. Sleep increases blood flow to the skin, which makes skin tone even, reduces redness and controls wrinkle outbreaks. Yoga and meditation are proven to significantly improve your sleep quality, so make sure you regularly practice yoga and meditation, as they can be very important for your skin.

Better sleep can also strengthen your immune system to prevent sickness and fight infection. If you are susceptible to illnesses, your skin can begin to deteriorate as it cannot receive the full amount of vitamins it needs to glow. That’s why you must get enough sleep so that your body can fight off any potential illnesses.

Blood Pressure Control

High blood pressure is known to have negative effects on the skin. It can result in facial flushing, dry skin, wrinkles and damage to facial blood vessels. On the contrary, low blood pressure can make your skin lose pigmentation, make you feel cold and clammy and increase the chances of mottled skin. Balancing blood pressure is integral to maintaining good skin.

Yoga and meditation can help you control your blood pressure. If it’s too high, yoga interventions that include breathing techniques, meditation and posture are most effective at reducing blood pressure.

Weight Loss

There’s no denying that excessive weight can result in poorer skin. It can result in dry skin, acne, skin cracks, rashes and hypertension. When you lose weight, your skin will become tighter and more toned, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. As people begin to age, they might opt for a facelift in London to take the weight off their face, as it can make the skin look more radiant.

Incorporating a yoga and meditation routine into your daily life can help you on your weight loss journey. Just a few minutes of mindfulness practice each morning can help your body burn high levels of belly fat.

Reduces Anxiety

Anxiety affects everyone in different ways, but one thing is for sure; it negatively impacts our skin. It can cause skin inflammation, increased oil production, skin conditions and wrinkles. It’s important to have sufficient and effective anxiety reduction techniques in your life to improve your skin radiance and overall health.

There is no better natural cure for anxiety than yoga and meditation, as both have been proven to calm your nerves and give you peace of mind. Focussing on your breathing can help slow down a rapid heart rate, which is a common symptom of anxiety.

Balances Hormones

To achieve radiant skin, you should look to balance your hormones. This is extremely important when it comes to ageing skin, as menopause can cause hypoestrogenism, which can lead to thinner skin and more wrinkles. Yoga and meditation can help put you on the right path for balancing your hormones, as they can make your thoughts clearer.

Other ways to balance hormones include a balanced diet, exercise and better sleep. You should aim to create a space where you can be strict with yourself and keep your lifestyle healthy to notice the most results for hormone balancing.


Lucy Couser

I have a degree in creative writing from Manchester, and when I'm not reading romance novels, I go camping, hot yoga or shopping for second-hand fashion.