Benefits of Yoga on Muscular Health

Benefits of Yoga on Muscular Health

Healing Power of Yoga for Muscular Conditions - By Gemma Ward

Reading time: 2 minutes

Having practised yoga for many years, and recently studied and qualified in yoga teaching, I can vouch wholeheartedly for the amazing effects that regular stretching has on the functioning ability of the major muscle groups. It has now become my aim to guide and help people with muscular related conditions such as Fibromyalgia and non-specific myalgic problems. It can also have positive effects on the muscular pain associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The stiffness and lack of mobility of the muscles affected is potentially entirely reversible through consistent stretching and toning of the muscle fibres. Unfortunately, undertaking such exercise may seem an obstacle in itself at first due to the pain and stiffness of the muscles and can be challenging to overcome that initial hurdle towards developing a further range of motion.

The best approach is to begin with very gentle stretches and steadily build up to more intense postures over time and in line with the body’s ability so as to avoid straining the muscles too far which could inevitably hinder a regular routine. It may take many months to gain even little flexibility and a decrease in symptoms but with gradual, consistent stretching coupled with relaxation techniques, the many benefits of yoga will become apparent to those unnecessarily suffering with painful muscles

The truth is we are all naturally flexible at birth but over time and due to inactivity and underuse of our muscles, we stiffen and lose that natural flexibility. It is the application of yoga with the various stretching techniques that simply take us back to how we were intended to be.

Gemma Ward

I am a certified yoga teacher trained to advanced level. Also offer yoga therapy. I’ve had 16 years experience in yoga practice.