Lessons from the Mat

Lessons from the Mat

5 valuable lessons I learned from yoga and how I carry them off the mat.
By Ellie Reeves

Reading time: 3 minutes

Yoga has always been my refuge in times of need. I could speak of its benefits for hours on end. Here, I will share five invaluable lessons yoga has taught me…lessons that I’ve learned to carry beyond the mat and into everyday life. I hope they inspire you to bring a little yoga wisdom into your own world.

Lesson 1: Don’t give up

Through yoga, I’ve learned the power of perseverance, especially when tackling tricky poses. One of the most difficult poses for me was (and still is) Kakasana (crow pose). My first attempts were embarrassing, I’d fall, my arms would tremble, and frustration would set in. But each time I fell, I got back up, inching closer to my goal. Over the years, I’ve learned to hold the pose (even if just for a few seconds).

This lesson extends beyond the mat. Last year, I took on an 18-month marketing course alongside my full-time job. The syllabus was overwhelming, and at times I doubted my ability to do it all. However, by staying persistent and focused, I successfully completed the course. By consistently showing up and doing the work, I reached my goals. Perseverance is key, and you can achieve your goals too by not giving up.

Lesson 2: Stay present

Mindfulness and staying present are key principles encouraged during yoga practice. In each session, I focus on the steady inhalations and exhalations of my breath and the sensations I’m feeling in my body. I try to stay as present as possible, though I’ll admit, my mind often drifts, especially during Savasana (corpse pose). I’ll catch myself stressing about work or a birthday gift I need to buy for a friend. When this happens, I gently guide my focus back to the present by tuning into my breath.

This practice of mindfulness has trickled into my daily life. Whether I’m at a workout class, doing the dishes, or having coffee with a friend, I make a conscious effort to be fully present. Pausing to breathe and appreciate each moment — be it joyful or challenging — has enhanced my focus and deepened my gratitude for all that life brings.

Lesson 3: Be kind to yourself

Through the practice of yoga, I’ve learned to be kind to myself and treat myself with compassion. If I’m struggling or not progressing as quickly as I’d like, there’s no use being mean to myself. In yoga class, I listen to my body. I know when it’s time to push myself, and I know when it’s time to slow down, give my body a rest, and settle into Balasana (child's pose) for a moment.

This mindset extends into my daily life, too. Just as I recognise when to push myself in yoga, I also understand that I can’t pour from an empty cup. To give something my all, I first need to take care of myself. I listen to my body, mind and intuition. I know when it’s time to rest, cancel plans and recharge. And I know when I have the extra energy to spend and put in more effort.

Lesson 4: Keep showing up

There are days when the last thing I want to do is to go to a yoga class. Yet, I’ve learned that simply showing up, even when I’m not in the mood, is often the hardest and most rewarding part. Once I’m on the mat*, everything else tends to fall into place.

This principle applies beyond yoga. Facing a daunting task or tough situation? Sometimes, just taking that first step makes all the difference. Start with a blank page, tackle that first dish, or make that first call. The first step is the hardest; everything else gets easier from there, trust me.

Lesson 5: Find balance

Yoga is a masterclass in balance — between effort and ease, strength and flexibility. This principle has taught me how to adapt and find balance in various poses. This adaptability and balance also applies directly to managing work, personal life and unexpected challenges.

For instance, when juggling a busy work schedule with personal commitments, I strive to maintain a healthy balance. If a stressful work week is looming, I schedule downtime to recharge. If an unexpected challenge arises, I adjust my priorities while keeping my overall wellbeing in mind. This balanced approach helps me navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease and grace.

I hope these lessons from my time on my own yoga mat help you in your journey, both on and off the mat.

*commission earned from this link.

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.