Yoga Messages & Visualisations book
By Dawm Boulanoff
Reading time: 2 minutes
Dawn Boulanoff started yoga in the 1980s and was soon hooked. Qualifying with the British Wheel of Yoga in the 1990s in Hatha, and moving on to therapy yoga for women’s health, she began to teach in gyms, church halls and then progressed to NHS settings, supporting patients on their cancer journey through gentle asana and visualisations.
Last September, a student commented that she had acquired so much knowledge over the years that she should write a book — so she did. The idea for Yoga Messages and Visualisations was born.
It has since received positive feedback from the yoga community, containing poems that are easy to read and carrying the classical meanings of yoga, with visualisations that are tried and tested in numerous settings. The book is easy to read, you can carry it in your bag, take it on retreats, use it in classes, or have as a handbook.
“It took hard work to get to the stage of publication,” she admits, but the journey was worth it.
“I love the book! Of course I wrote it… but if only one person reads this book and gains the knowledge I would be eternally happy.”
Yoga Messages & Visualisations: Poetry by Dawn Boulanoff is available through Amazon, Waterstones and the publisher, ShieldCrest