Nature's Lesson of Flexibility

Nature's Lesson of Flexibility

As November brings transformation to our surroundings, we are reminded of the beauty in adaptability — in both nature and life - Rebecca Duncan

Reading time: 3 minutes

Natures Lesson Of Flexibility

As we move into November, the nature of change is all around us because, after all, change IS the very nature of things. The shift in colours, the feel of our landscapes, the length of our days, and a crisp chill fills the air. It’s a reminder that life, like nature, is in a constant state of flux.

The Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius once said, “Remember that to change your mind and to follow someone’s correction are consistent with free will. For the action is yours alone, to fulfil its purpose in keeping with your impulse and judgment and yes, with your intelligence.” His words reflect the importance of adaptability — a principle that mirrors the very essence of yoga and the philosophy of personal growth.

In this transitional month, we can learn valuable lessons from both nature and the wisdom of Aurelius. November represents the in-between, a time where autumn fades into winter, much like how we as individuals often face moments of transition and uncertainty.

To navigate such changes, we must remember that it is not only okay to shift and adapt, but that doing so is a profound strength.

Aurelius’s philosophy teaches us that the ability to change is deeply aligned with free will. It’s not a sign of weakness to alter our path or to correct our course; instead, it’s a conscious, empowered decision.

Much like the trees that shed their leaves to prepare for winter, we too must let go of what no longer serves us, and in doing so, we create space for new growth.

Yoga: Flexibility as a Form of Strength

Yoga*, as a practice, perfectly embodies this idea of change and flexibility. On the mat, we learn how to balance strength with suppleness, stability with fluidity. In a yoga pose, we may hold a position that challenges us to be both strong and soft at the same time — we ground through our feet while extending our arms to the sky, or we hold a powerful stance while maintaining a calm, steady breath.

This harmonious interplay between strength and flexibility is what allows us to be resilient, both physically and mentally.

The practice teaches us to listen to our bodies, to adapt our postures, and to meet ourselves where we are, not where we think we should be. This is the same message that Marcus Aurelius imparts: don't become your own prisoner or harshest critic. If we become rigid, we risk injury, and a sense of feeling stuck but when we embrace flexibility — in our bodies, minds, and circumstances — we open ourselves to growth and progress.

Mindfulness: Through Change

November is a time when we can reflect on how adaptable we are to the shifting seasons of life. New circumstances may arise, just as the weather changes with each passing day. If we can’t bend with these changes, we may feel stuck or overwhelmed. But if we allow ourselves to flow with the current, rather than fight against it, we become stronger and more resilient in the process.

This adaptability, far from being a sign of weakness, is one of the greatest strengths we can cultivate. To be rigid is to be brittle; to be flexible is to be unbreakable. Flexibility in both body and mind allows us to navigate life's challenges with grace. It’s this combination of strength and suppleness that makes us unstoppable, resilient to whatever comes our way.

In yoga, this concept is brought to life as we move through postures that stretch and strengthen. We learn to be patient with ourselves, to adjust and realign when needed.

Flexibility isn’t just about bending our bodies; it’s about bending our attitudes, our beliefs, and our expectations when necessary. It's an ongoing practice of mindfulness and presence.

Yoga's Wisdom Off the Mat

As November invites us to slow down and reflect, let it also remind us to be adaptable in our everyday lives. Just as nature prepares for winter by shedding its leaves and conserving energy, we too can embrace this time of transition by letting go of what we no longer need — whether that’s old habits, outdated beliefs, or unrealistic expectations of ourselves.

Yoga teaches us that the practice is not just about mastering physical postures, but about cultivating a mindset of openness and adaptability. We don’t have to be made of iron to follow something through; instead, we can find strength in our flexibility. It’s this very combination of strength and adaptability that helps us grow, evolve, and thrive.

So, as you step onto your yoga mat this November, let the changing season remind you of your own capacity for change. Like the leaves falling from the trees, release what is no longer necessary and trust that in letting go, you make space for new possibilities.

And in every pose, remember that strength comes not from rigidity, but from your ability to bend, adapt, and flow with the rhythm of life.

So, embrace the power of change, just as nature does, and allow your yoga practice to guide you through this season with grace, resilience, and a deep inner strength.

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Rebecca Duncan

One of my favourite Sanskrit words is Lila, meaning “The Divine Play”.

There’s something incredibly humbling about being able to find joy in the play of creation and I like to encourage this concept throughout my classes as a way to find freedom, self discovery and a more awakened consciousness. After all, yoga is all about the connection of it all, from your outer to your innermost self.