A Path to Transformation

A Path to Transformation

Teacher training for the non-teacher.

Reading time: 3 minutes

Even if you’re not intending to teach, a teacher training course offers many opportunities for a curious yogi. There is so much more to it than learning to teach postures and sequencing. It is a chance not only to deepen your understanding of yoga, but to turn the spotlight on your life and make lasting changes.

The classic yoga texts emphasise yogic lifestyle as an important component of the practice. As you learn more about this on the training, you can examine your own habits and choices and apply the ancient wisdom to improving your modern life.

Firstly, to create balance. Making choices about the way you live that create the best state to progress spiritually. For example, maximising ease in the body and good health and adopting a way of living that creates a calmer mind and nervous system.

And secondly to focus on prana. Making choices that support and bolster prana, and limit prana ‘leaks’. This can involve a review of all areas of your life from the ethical choices you make, to the food you eat. From the way you arrange your home, to the people you spend time with. Your work, your stress levels, your bad habits. Your ability to commit to a daily yoga practice and how you prioritise your time. The way you breathe, sleep and recharge.

Teacher training can help you heal, transforming emotions like anger and fear into constructive action, rather than reaction that drains prana, and cultivating elevated emotions like love, empathy, and forgiveness.

It can also direct you to take an honest look at the story you hold about yourself and to unravel the beliefs and patterns that limit you and hold you back. Enabling you to be your true self; removing the blocks to expressing your soul. Extracting you from situations that are stifling your energy and causing contraction and tension.

Immersing yourself fully in a yoga teacher training course can bring about radical transformation in all aspects of your life. It is a rare opportunity to reflect on where you are, who you are, and how you can improve. So even if you have no intention of ever leading a yoga class, you might consider enrolling in a training. Not only will it improve your physical practice, it might just change your life.

Suzanne Davies runs Babacool which offers a 200-hour Tantric Kundalini TT in London and France. Visit: babacool.net/kundalini-yoga-teacher-training-200-hours/

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.