Alessandro Gozzi
Alessandro Gozzi is the co-founder of YogaVenue, two of Oxfordshire’s leading yoga studios, and the founder of the Spiralling Crow School of Yoga Teacher Training
What style of yoga do you teach?
Vinyasa Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Hot Power Yoga, Power Yoga. Also run retreats internationally and hold teacher trainings.
What made you take your first yoga class?
My background is in martial arts, so yoga was a natural addition to the types of movement I was doing, an extension in many ways, and it initially appealed to me because of this and my body seemed to respond to this.
How has yoga helped you grow as a person?
Absolutely, no question. Life is a journey and yoga teaches you to embrace this and the ups and downs that come with it through the various stages; in my personal experience, this is as a teacher, a husband, a father, a business owner, all these things.
What things are you most grateful for?
I get to help people on and off the mat and I am eternally grateful for this — helping people to be able to move again, to feel the benefits of movement, help them open their eyes to the possibilities and options that exist and help them question what is the norm and expand their horizons.
How do you stay motivated?
I’m always learning, exploring, not just within the yoga world, but also the wider movement world. I think seeing how yoga helps other people is motivational in itself.
How do you practice yoga off the mat?
Yoga is about being of service and as yogis we are of service. I try and remember this in all aspects of what I do.