Whats your affirmation ?
An affirmation for self-care and listening to your inner child
“I am having fun practicing the art of how to take great care of me. The whole planet benefits when I take greater care. I’m my number one”
Putting yourself first is beneficial to you and to all of those around you. The love gets multiplied.
When you learn how to take great care of yourself you have more energy and enthusiasm for others too.
Love extends out around the planet.
Energetically taking care of yourself raises your vibration, which has a huge impact on everything around you. Other people’s comments can have an effect on our perception of self but only when we allow; we can change our belief system with self-care and love.
We teach what we learn so these false beliefs were possibly learnt and passed on. Self-love cannot be taught by someone who doesn’t practice it! We take these draining thoughts into our energy fields, into our cells and we make these words our thoughts, then into our beliefs and then into our actions.
We all have individual needs and no matter what age we are we have a child within who yearns to be loved, who wants to be seen, appreciated and cared for.
Love that little one and love the adult you.
Always remember self-love every day is selfless, not selfish.
Take note of what you do for yourself. Create rituals of self-care. Write them out and then when you have your list add to it. Keep adding to it. Teach others your self-care tips too…pass them on. Love multiplied.
Be your own number one love.
Then share the love!
By Deb Mac (debmac.co.uk)