Laura Broadway

Laura Broadway
Yoga teacher training student
UK born, living in Aotearoa New Zealand
Early childhood teacher
Reiki practitioner
Small business owner
DNA genealogy obsessed
Kia Ora, I’m Laura, originally from the UK but now happy to call Christchurch New Zealand my home, where I live with my kiwi husband and two daughters.
I am currently just over half way through my 200 hours yoga TT, I've practiced yoga on and off for the last 26 years.
Having spent the last couple of years researching my own family tree and lineage I feel passionate about honouring those who have come before us. My Yoga TT journey is a direct acknowledgement of my ancestors from India and a strong desire to reconnect with the culture.
Yoga Teacher training (YA approved) 100 hours +
Degree in Early Childhood education
GCSE's + A level psychology
Reconnecting with Ancestry and Culture through Yoga Teacher Training
A Journey of Yoga Teacher Training and Cultural Reconnection – By Laura Broadway Reading time: 3 minutes What a journey it has been so far, as I…