Marja Wilson

Marja Wilson
Marja Wilson, MS, eRYT500, is a certified yoga instructor, freelance writer and horse lover. She lives partime in the US and Australia.
Marja is a certified eRYT 500 yoga instructor. For over twenty-five years, her experience, passion, and sense of humor keeps her approach to teaching yoga and mindfulness light and entertaining. As an educator and freelance writer, her background in health science and community nutrition combined with her studies in India serve to enrich her understanding of the mind/body connection. Since retiring as a performing songwriter a.k.a. Marge Calhoun, Marja and her husband, John, live part time in Colorado and Australia. While in the US, she is an instructor in Summit County, Colorado and volunteers at Fairview Horse Rescue in Fairplay Colorado. She is also an advocate of the preservation of the Australian brumby through the Hoofs2012 Brumby Rescue in NSW, Australia.
Marja Wilson, MS, eRYT 500
Through developing the lifestyle skills of fitness and wellness through yoga, Marja’s goals are to inspire health and clarity of mind for everyone.
Including trips to India for studies in Yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, her teaching and personal practice follows the lessons of many teachers. The amalgamations of Pattabhi Jois, BNS Iyengar, BKS Iynegar, and Shiva Rea are to name a few. She also follows the philosophical influences of Patanjali, the Dalai Lama and Swami Rama. Marja is a fan of  Deepak Chopra, David Frawely, and Stephen Cope.
She is an avid gardener and was a musician for twenty years before transitioning into the business of health and wellness. You can find her music a.k.a. Marge Calhoun on Spotify, iTunes, and on Performance circa 1996.
Marja has been a health promotion advocate in the private, corporate, and public sectors. Providing yoga, meditation, fitness, and nutrition classes in Washington D.C., she served  venues such as the National Geographic Headquarters, Time/Life Headquarters, The District's Federal and government agencies including the White House staff. Marja was an adjunct professor at George Mason University, and Northern Virginia Community College. Her work at the Fairfax County Government and for Arlington County's Offender Aid and Restoration programs in Northern Virginia involved wellness education. Partnering with organic markets and area food banks were part of her efforts in promoting community nutrition for disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Marja has since moved to Colorado with her husband and thoroughly enjoys life in the Rocky Mountains. You’ll find her skiing, hiking, biking and running as well as volunteering at Fairview Horse Rescue  and Summit Advocates. She is part of the Summit County yoga community at Bhava Yoga Studio. (See Below)
Member: Mid-Atlantic Yoga Association, Himalayan Institute Teachers Association, Yoga Alliance, Washington DC Yoga Teachers, Virginia Cooperative Extension, George Mason Alumni, Summit County Senior Center, Fairview Horse Rescue and Summit Advocates, Colorado. Hoofs2012 Brumby Rescue, Berrigan Victoria, Australia.
Marja finished her 18th., full marathon and training for the 2023 Gold Coast Marathon, Queensdland, Austalia.
Current Class Schedule:
Thrive Yoga Summit
Frisco, Colorado.
Courses Taught:
George Mason University,
PHED 129 Introductory Yoga
PHED 130 Intermediate Yoga
NCLC 495 Mind/Body Theory and Practice
Northern Va. Community College,
HLT 110 Personal & Community Health
PED 109 Yoga All Levels
PED 109 Yoga Intermediate
PED 107 Nutrition & Exercise
PED 116 Fitness & Wellness
Lord Fairfax Community College,
PED 109 Yoga
HLT 116 Personal Wellness
HLT 206 Health Science
Creds: Degrees, Certs. and Courses:
Founder of Yoga Wisdom Yoga School
Certificate: Volunteer Advocate for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Summit County, Colorado.
Degree: MS Exercise, Fitness & Health Promotion. George Mason University
Degree: BS Health Science, George Mason University
Certificate: Post Baccalaureate Nutrition, George Mason University
Certificate: Emergency Medical Technician, Colorado Mountain College
Master Gardener: Virginia Cooperative Extension, (Intern) VA Tech
Course: Exercise Physiology, Marymount University
Course: Weight Training and Conditioning, George Mason University
Course: Adult Health and Development, Northern Va. Community College
eRYT 500 upgrade. Yoga Alliance.
Para Yoga Immersion w/Rod Stryker
Ashtanga Immersion w/David Keil
Fluid Power Certification: (Vinyasa) with Shiva Rae, Kripalu Yoga. Stockbridge, Mass
Advanced Yoga Teacher Training: 500 Level (RYT500) Himalayan Inst., Allahabad, India
Personal Trainer Certification: International Sports Medicine Assoc. (ISMA)
Evolved Pilates Mat Science, Bally Total Fitness
Prenatal Health and Group Exercise (American Fitness & Aerobics Assoc. (AFAA)
Red Cross CPR & Professional Rescuer’s First Aid (renew 2022)
RYT 200 (300 hr. Program at Sun & Moon Yoga Studio)
Pilates with Resist-A-Ball Certification, Resist-A-Ball, Inc.
Mat Science Level I and II, AFAA
Group Exercise Certification, AFAA
Bally Powerflex Certification (weight training)
Bally Total Fitness, B-Fit University Certification High/Lo & Step Aerobics
Yogafit Instructor Training Level II, Yogafit, Inc.
Yogafit Instructor Training Level I Yogafit, Inc.
Mobilise the Lymphatic System
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Lessons in the Language of Energy
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The Bhagavad Gita’s call to action
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