Natasha Nandini

Natasha Nandini
Author and patron of Indian classical arts, Natasha teaches yoga internally and hosts intimate tours to sacred destinations.
Natasha was introduced to yoga in the late 90's around the same time that she came across Indian classical music. Over the years these two disciplines became paramount in shaping her life, teachings and personal studies. Her music studies took her to Varanasi, India, where she now takes her own students to be immersed in the culture, religion and local art forms. Her yoga studies span from Ashtanga, Iyengar and Shadow Yoga. Her main yoga teacher was Shandor Remete. In 2015 she chose to follow her own intuition. In 2023 she published a book called "Behind The Cosmic Dancer: A Manual to Expand Conscious Awareness: Yoga, Meditation and Mantra through Symbolism in the Dance of Shiva, Delving into the Depths of Sound". She lives and teaches in East Sussex both live and online.
BA Honours Hindi and South Asian Studies, SOAS, 2000
Shivananda Teacher Training 2000
Shadow Yoga three year Teacher Training 2012
Marma Therapy 2018
IGCSE Sanskrit 2023
Yoga and Injury
Learning from Setbacks to Enhance Practice and Life – By Natasha Nandini Reading time: 3 minutes It’s not fun being injured. As a yoga teacher, when I…
5 Ways To Avoid Getting Distracted By The Asana
Cultivating Holistic Asana Practice – By Natasha Nandini Reading time: 4 minutes Asana dominates the modern yoga world, and for some practitioners, out of the 8 limbs…