Om Magazine


Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.



Birthing pregnancy yoga

Birthing pregnancy yoga

How to engage teenagers in yoga

How to engage teenagers in yoga

Cool Mama

Yoga at home for new mums

Yoga at home for new mums

Pregnancy Yoga

Pregnancy yoga

Mind your pregnancy

Mind your pregnancy

Children inspired by yoga

Children inspired by yoga

Meditation for pregnancy and children

Meditation for pregnancy and children

The rise and rise of children’s yoga

The rise of childrens yoga

3 ways to help children understand relaxation

ways to help children understand relaxation

Yoga for fertility

Yoga for fertility

Find your element

Find your element

Yin Yoga for stress

Yin Yoga for stress

7 attributes of a personal yoga practice

attributes of a personal yoga practice

Flexibility challenge

Flexibility challenge

Yoga Anatomy: Side Crow Pose (Parsva Bakasana)

Side Crow Pose

Mantra of the month – I believe in my potential

Lowey 11

Lowey 11

Planet yoga – September 2021

Planet Yoga

OM Loves – September 2021

OM Loves

Lake View Yoga

Lake View Yoga

Yoga and Aromatherapy – Neroli Oil

Neroli Oil

Yoga changed my life – Karen James

Karen James