Paul Calarco

Paul Calarco
Dr. Paul E Calarco, Jr. is at heart a seeker of truth, truthfully a seeker of knowledge. He feels that this lifetime is the opportunity to pursue passion and love. He says, “I have found both and it is my responsibility to share the journey.”
Dr. Paul E Calarco, Jr. is at heart a seeker of truth, truthfully a seeker of knowledge. He feels that this lifetime is the opportunity to pursue passion and love. He says, “I have found both and it is my responsibility to share the journey.” Paul is an avid reader of the masters and a dedicated Yogi, his focus has been on both Vinyasa and Bikram styles of yoga for almost a decade but enjoys his weekly Yin practice. You may also see him enjoying the sunrise or sunsets near a body of water communing with nature. He notes that one of the challenges of the modern man is “finding the balance during the day and finding peace post the interacting with the busy, bustling energy traversing the concrete jungle.” Paul strongly believes in holistic health which is reflected in his teaching style as his goal is to lead students to connect their mind, body and spirit in each session. “When the mind is calm, how quickly, how smoothly, how beautifully you will perceive everything”. Paramahansa Yogananda
PhD Sociology
MA Women's Studies
BA Sociology
BA Psychology
Practicing Yoga 7+ years
Teaching Yoga: The Most Selfishly Selfless Act
From Student to Teacher, A Humbling Journey of Self-Discovery and Service – By Paul Calarco Reading time: 4 minutes The moment I began my yogic journey just…
So you really want to Savasana?
Stay on the mat just a little longer. By Paul Calarco Savasana (Corpse Pose), pronounced sha-vah-san-ah, is typically the final posture of a yoga session. The purpose of…