Yoga Anatomy: Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
A 360º overview of… Tree Pose (Vrksasana) With Dr Kiki Morriss Tree pose is both a balancing pose and a hip opener. It will improve the strength,…
11 incredible places to meditate
We’ve partnered with the awesome book, Magical Britain: 650 Enchanted and Mystical Sites, to bring you some of the most picture perfect places to meditate and find…
Tackling trauma
How a US non-profit is helping to tackle the trauma tsunami with yoga According to the US’ National Council for Behavioural Health, at least 70% of adults…
Look into the light – Trataka and Ceromancy
Trataka and Ceromancy are two ancient candle practices that can easily be combined. By Diane Ashfield There’s something quite symbolic and magical about lighting a candle. Whether…
My first yoga class
Whatever fears you may have going into your first yoga class, don’t worry… Tina McAra has been there, done it, and lived to tell the tale I…
Amazing Spaces – Thaxted Yoga
amazing spaces Thaxted Yoga Hammer Hill Farm, Stanbrook, Thaxted, Essex, CM6 2NH. Thaxted Yoga’s stunning wellness studio overlooks the rolling Essex countryside, close to the picturesque…
Honouring your threshold
Nothing will work unless you do, so be sure to take good care of yourself. By Paula Hines In my earlier days of teaching I was at…
Mexican-Style Loaded Sweet Potato Wedges
Mexican-Style Loaded Sweet Potato Wedges SERVES 4 – 6 These wedges look beautifully abundant, and they taste amazing. Packed with delicious vegetables and garlicky tomato black beans,…
The amputee yoga teacher
After losing her right leg in the 2004 tsunami in south-east Asia, Fiona Callanan has tapped her inner strength and resilience through Rocket Yoga. When life gets…
OM Meets… Liz Underwood
OM meets… Liz Underwood Featured on our cover this month, Liz Underwood blends somatics, rhythmic movements, restorative yoga and yoga nidra into her classes, courses and retreats….
Yoga at Home – Working towards Pincha Mayurasana
Working towards Pincha Mayurasana 8 postures working towards Pincha Mayurasana, feathered peacock or forearm balance pose, with Ruben De Monte of The Yoga Class. Words by Laura…
Man on the Mat – Vasisthasana
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Vasisthasana (Side Plank) Benefits Vasisthasana is a challenging arm balance with many benefits: It strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders,…
WIN! A 12-month subscription to Soo Yoga UK & goodies bundle – worth £800
UK & goodies bundle – worth £800 This month, we’ve teamed up with Soo Yoga UK to offer one lucky reader the ultimate yoga and wellness bundle….
Yoga therapy for motor neurone disease
My experience as a yoga therapist working with motor neurone disease (MND). By Rachel Bilski Today, I have felt as if I haven’t got a disease.” These…
Different is good
Yoga is for every body: celebrating our anatomical variations. By Ali Barnard Yoga is for every body! We often hear this term thrown around the studio and…
My Yoga Biz – Louise Walker
MyYogaBiz Tips from the experts to help you grow the yoga business of your dreams This month’s mentor: Louise Walker, 42, Hotpod Yoga Stoke, Longton ( Does…
Seeking balance with medicinal mushrooms
How the healing powers of an ancient remedy are making a comeback in the modern era It was only a matter of time before medicinal mushrooms started…
Health food trends: 2023
Whole Foods Market’s top food trend predictions for 2023 Every year, popular health food store Whole Foods Market compiles a list of top trends it expects to…
Smashed Peas on Toast with Garlicky Mushrooms
Smashed Peas on Toast with Garlicky Mushrooms Serves 4 Flavoured with garlic and lemon, the chunky pea mix is light and fragrant, and it makes a delicious…
Colour therapy
How colour can enhance your yoga practice and your life. By Emma-Louise Hooper The science behind colour Although we see colour, the ‘colour’ of an object is…
Subtle intention, sustainable change
Experiencing the pause and stillness of deep winter to find the calm within, a place to set and nurture sutble and lasting intention. By Lauren Bloxham In…
Savasana: the hardest yoga pose?
For those with a busy mind, Savasana can be a challenge, but if you’re seeking a little self-care on the yoga mat, then it’s a pose worth…
Self-nurturing for the whole family
Four practices that you and your children can do together to nurture self-care. By Gopala Amir Yaffa The only constant person in all of your relationships is…
Worry, be gone
Useful tools and techniques to overcome a worrying mind. By Grace McGeehan Are you a worrier? Do you find yourself always having something to worry about? And…