Man on the Mat
Man on the Mat: Prapadasana
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit PRAPADASANA (TIP TOE POSE) Benefits Prapadasana improves balance and concentration. Strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs Stretches the…
Man on the Mat: Gorakshasana
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit Gorakshasana Benefits Increases flexibility. This asana stretches the muscles of the feet, ankles, knees, thighs, hips and lower back and…
Man on the Mat: Compass Pose
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit Compass Pose (Surya Yantrasana) Benefits Releases tension in the body and boosts energy. Stretches the shoulders, chest and hips. Improves…
Man on the Mat: Cow-Face Pose
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana) Benefits This is a great asana to improve posture. It stretches the muscles of the back,…
Man on the Mat: Bhekasana
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit BHEKASANA(FROG POSE) BENEFITS Bhekasana can help improve the overall flexibility of the body, especially of the hips, legs, back, core,…
Man on the Mat: Heron Pose
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit HERON POSE (KROUNCHASANA) BENEFITS Stretches the back and hamstrings. Increases spinal flexibility and gives relief in back pain. Helps open…
Meet our Man on the Mat
Come to the show and meet Ravi Dixit, OM’s regular ‘Man on the Mat’, for a glimpse into yoga’s authentic, traditional Indian roots Reading time: 3 minutes…
Man on the Mat: Triangle Pose
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit TRIKONASANA (TRIANGLE POSE) BENEFITS Strengthens and stretches the legs and opens the hips. Releases stress and tension from the upper…
Man on the Mat – Bharadvajasana
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit BHARADVAJASANA (BHARADVAJA TWIST) In Indian history, Bharadvaja was one of the seven great sages and composed many Vedic chants. His…
Man on the mat – Dancer Pose
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit NATARAJASANA (DANCER POSE) In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is known by various names, including Nataraja. Natarajasana in Sanskrit translates to: Nata…
Man on the Mat – Hasta Uttanasana
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose) Hasta Uttanasana, a standing posture, is the second and eleventh pose of the Surya Namaskara…
Man on the Mat – Virabhadrasana
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit Virabhadrasana Reading time: 2 minutes In Sanskrit, ‘Vira’ means ‘hero’ or ‘warrior’ and ‘Bhadra’ is ‘good, blessed or fortunate’. This…
Man on the mat – Utkatasana (Chair Pose)
MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit Utkatasana (Chair Pose) Utkata in Sanskrit means powerful, fierce. Utkatasana brings together the strength of the body and the strength…
Man on the mat – Vatayanasana (Horse Pose)
Man on the Mat with Ravi Dixit Vatayanasana (Horse Pose) Vatayanasana is a pose from the Ashtanga intermediate series. The name translates as ‘horse pose’ and is…
Man on the mat – Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) Inspired by an archer’s bow, the Sanskrit name for Bow Pose is made up of two…
Man on the Mat – Namaskar Parsvakonasana
Ravi Dixit is the MAN ON THE MAT Namaskar Parsvakonasana (High Lunge Prayer Twist) Namaskar Parsvakonasana is a strong standing posture improving strength in the legs and…
Man on the Mat – Vasisthasana
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Vasisthasana (Side Plank) Benefits Vasisthasana is a challenging arm balance with many benefits: It strengthens the wrists, arms, shoulders,…
Man on the Mat – Flying Warrior Pose
DAVIN JONES IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Flying Warrior Pose (Visvamitrasana) Visvamitra is a yogic sage who is known for his yogic power of compassion. ‘Visva’…
Man on the mat Camel Pose
CAMEL POSE (USTRASANA) BENEFITS • Camel pose has many benefits:• It increases flexibility in the spine, opens the chest and shoulders, improving posture.• Opens up the hip…
Man on the Mat – Ravi Dixit
WILD THING (CHAMATKARASANA) BENEFITS • Chamatkarasana stretches the chest, shoulders and throat, as well as the hip flexors and front legs.• The pose builds strength in the…
Man on the mat with Ravi Dixit – Parivrtta Trikonasana
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) Benefits Strengthens and stretches the legs. Opens the chest to improve breathing. Releases stress…
Man on the Mat – PLANK POSE
Benefits • Strengthens the core by working all four muscle groups in the stomach.• Helps the lower back by placing more reliance on the abdomen.• Strengthens spine…
Reverse Warrior (Viparita Virabhadrasana)
Reach for the skies in Reverse Warrior, a naturally energising and uplifting pose Benefits This pose always feels joyous to me. It comes after a Warrior II…