Man on the Mat
Man on the mat – With Connor T Johnson
This is a great balancing pose that builds strength in the lower part of the body and teaches focus and concentration Benefits I love tree pose during…
Man on the Mat With Ravi Dixit
This is a fairly intense arm-balancing pose that builds strength in the upper part of the body and teaches focus and concentration Benefits • Tolasana strengthens the…
More Men On The Mat
There are so many good reasons why men might want to take up yoga…the most important thing is to start. By Fenella Lindsell As the number of…
Man on the Mat – Ravi Dixit
Ravi Dixit IS THE MAN ON THE MAT UTTHITA HASTA PADANGUSTHASANA (EXTENDED HAND-TO-BIG-TOE POSE) Benefits: There are many physical and spiritual benefits to this pose: It stretches…
JESUS AGUDO IS THE MAN ON THE MAT ALTERNATE NOSTRIL BREATHING (NADI SHODANA) Benefits Nadi shodhana is a yogic breathwork exercise which helps us to balance our…
OLIVER JAMES PLUMMER IS THE MAN ON THE MAT CROW POSE (BAKASANA) Benefits Improves physical balance Strengthens wrists, shoulders and arms Engages abdominal muscles Builds confidence for…
CONNOR T JOHNSON IS THE MAN ON THE MAT VIRABHADRASANA II (WARRIOR II) Benefits This is a classic yoga pose and a great way to start the…
MATTHEW SHAW IS THE MAN ON THE MAT SIDE LUNGE POSE (SKANDASANA) Skandasana, or side lunge pose, promotes flexibility and strength in the inner thighs and hamstrings,…
ROBERT HALLEY IS THE MAN ON THE MAT EXTENDED SIDE ANGLE POSE (UTTHITA PARSVAKONASANA) Extended Side Angle Pose opens the chest and shoulders, builds strength in the…
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Peacock Pose (Mayurasana) Benefits Mayurasana, for me represents the power of yoga. It can really help to develop control,…
Zahir Akram IS THE MAN ON THE MAT TRIANGLE POSE (TRIKONASANA) Benefits Stretches the hamstrings. Works the intricate foot muscles so you don’t end up in splits!…
STEPHEN MARKS IS THE MAN ON THE MAT BOAT POSE (NAVASANA) Boat Pose (Navasana) is a great seated posture that will not only help to strengthen your…
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT KROUNCHASANA (HERON POSE) – VARIATION Benefits Stretches the back and hamstrings. Promotes circulation to the abdominal organs and boosts…
MARCEL CLEMENTI IS THE MAN ON THE MAT REVOLVED TRIANGLE POSE (PARIVRTTA TRIKONASANA) Benefits I think revolved triangle pose is such a beautiful asana to get aware…
Forearm stand / Feathered Peacock pose
CHRIS MAGEE IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Forearm stand/Feathered Peacock pose (hollowback variation) Benefits Forearm-stand, with or without the hollowback in the picture, is fantastic for…
MARIO AUSTIN IS THE MAN ON THE MAT TORTOISE POSE (KURMASANA) Benefits Strengthens the entire back. Gives hamstrings and adductors a stretch. Tones the abdominal region. Helps…
Koundinyasana B with Extended Arm with Hayden Kee
Hayden Kee MAN ON THE MAT Koundinyasana B with Extended Arm and Mushti Mudra Benefits Arm balances develop concentration, strength, and awareness of the entire body. If…
Equestrian Pose – Ravi Dixit
RAVI DIXIT IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Equestrian Pose (Ashwa Sanchalanasana) Benefits This pose has many benefits. It gives a backward bend to the spine, which…
Chin stand with Alex Cutini
ALEX CUTINI IS THE MAN ON THE MAT CHIN STAND (GANDA BHERUDASANA) Benefits Chin Stand Improves balance. Strengthens and tones back muscles Stretches and elongates the front…
Handstand with Dylan Ayaloo
DYLAN AYALOO IS THE MAN ON THE MAT HANDSTAND (ADHO MUKHA VRKSASANA) Benefits Strengthens arms, shoulder, back and core muscles Trains physical balance. Develops a humility and…
Man on the Mat – Matt Mulcahy
MATT MULCAHY IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Tree Pose (Vrksasana) Benefits An iconic standing balance that draws its roots from hatha yoga, tree pose remains popular…
Upward-Facing Dog – David Kam
DAVID KAM IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) Benefits A beautiful benefit of practicing this posture is that it opens up the…
Man on the Mat – Jeremy Lim
JEREMY LIM IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Crow Pose (Kakasana) Benefits Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders and abdominal muscles. Stretches back, buttocks, thighs and palm side of…
Full Wheel – Davin Jones
DAVIN JONES IS THE MAN ON THE MAT Full wheel (urdhva dhanurasana) Benefits Urdhva Dhanurasana in yoga is considered as one of the peak backbends in the…
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