Contributors + Words of Wisdom

Kat Byles
Kat is the founder of the True Business School (, working with creative, visionary and purpose-driven leaders, entrepreneurs, teachers, healers, artists and coaches to unleash their heart’s wisdom and creativity on a happier, healthier, wealthier business and world. This month she shares her insight and wisdom in our Teacher Zone section. Find out more at: or connect via Instagram @katbyles

Salarah Starre
Salarah is a South African-born, UKbased Advanced Law of Attraction life coach and a member of the Association of Coaching. She has dedicated 16 years coaching hundreds of individuals and has spent thousands of hours successfully helping clients to design and fulfil their dreams, ultimately turning their lives around. And, for Salarah, the Law of Attraction is a potent way to do just that. Visit:

Elle O’Connor
Yoga instructor, nutritional advisor, writer and avid reader, Elle is on a lifelong journey to discover what makes us feel better physically and emotionally. With a love of travelling, she shares ideas picked up along the way to make sense of the world we live in. She covers the physical and spiritual aspects of yoga, breathing and pranayama, eating well and the importance of connection to help us thrive as a community. Visit:
Regular contributors:
Claudia Brown, Paula Hines, Victoria Jackson, Lauren Bloxham, Lydia Kimmerling, Kiki Morriss, Sue Pugh