Cool Beans
No need to ditch the morning caffeine boost this year with Exhale healthy coffee. Yes, coffee can be good for you!
Reading time: 3 minutes
Imagine if coffee had similar health benefits to fruits and vegetables? That’s what Exhale healthy coffee (exhalecoffee.com) is claiming — and it’s making bold moves towards proving it!
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world and because of that it’s one of the most studied, with over 21,000 studies published on it or its constituents. In the last 15-20 years, the scientific opinion on coffee has turned from it being a guilty pleasure that’s bad for you to being something which can support a healthy lifestyle with a ton of different health benefits.
One study published in June 2020 even concluded that: “Coffee may be viewed as a healthy vegetable food and a main supplier of dietary phenolic phytochemicals.” Other research has shown that coffee drinkers have a 17% reduced risk of all cause mortality, aka death from any cause, including decaf drinkers.

Most studies point towards coffee’s benefits as being caused by its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which are provided by its polyphenols.
Exhale coffee is the only coffee to be sourced, roasted and independently lab tested for the highest levels of polyphenols. So much so that an independent test found that one brewed cup of Exhale coffee has the same antioxidants as 1.8kg of blueberries or 55 oranges! All in one single cup!
Coffee is one of the most sprayed crops globally with pesticides, which can be harmful for you and the environment. Exhale only work with organic farms and then test to make sure they’re completely free from pesticides. Coffee can also be contaminated with moulds and mycotoxins, so Exhale test for this too to ensure its beans are completely free from any nasties.
If you are avoiding caffeine the good news is that Exhale also offer an organic decaf which has been decaffeinated using the Mountain Water Process, which uses only pure glacial water from the highest mountain in Mexico and absolutely no nasty chemicals. Aside from your health, Exhale is also committed to making sure its coffee is as healthy for the planet as it is for you — it’s B Corp certified, 1% for the Planet members and Soil Association Organic certified.
The bottom line: if you’re looking for a health swap this January that’s better for you and the planet then look no further than Exhale Healthy Coffee.