Giving back
We can all give back in some way, and starting small is still a start. By Paula Hines
We are living in strange times, aren’t we? There is so much turbulence in the world. So many people are suffering and struggling, both locally and globally. Is it really that things have become worse? Or was this always so: the difference being that now thanks to technology we are more likely to be aware of what is happening around us near and far? (And possibly, that those of us who live in the West have been sheltered from, or able to ignore, so much for so long.)
It is very easy to feel helpless, or to wonder what difference we, as individuals can make. Though it does now feel that doing nothing is not really an option. One thing we can do is to start where we are: to look around and see where or how we might be able to be of some help. However small we might think our contribution is the likelihood is that it will make a positive difference to someone, somewhere. Just a couple of examples could be donating to food banks or volunteering for a charity.
Since I have been teaching, one of the things I have done is offer weekly donation-only classes locally with the proceeds going to a children’s charity. Something I began in late 2019 and am continuing
through 2020 is donating at least 50% of my workshop revenue to a charity that is local to me, Brixton Soup Kitchen. I knew that I was time-poor for volunteering so I have donated personally to this charity over the past few years, but still I wanted to be able to do something else because I see Brixton Soup Kitchen doing so much to help people in the community. So, when I began teaching at a community studio, Yoga Point in Brixton and talked to co-owner, Rebecca about what I would like to do there with regard to my teaching, she was incredibly supportive.
Why not join in and help out too? If you are in London, I would love you to join me for one of my three-hour seasonal Yin and Yoga Nidra workshops in Brixton. My Spring workshop, ‘Clear & Energised’ is on Saturday March 21 at Yoga Point. While giving yourself an afternoon of relaxation and restoration, you will also be giving to a fantastic cause that truly makes a difference.
We can all give back in some way. Starting small is still a start.
For details of workshops visit: ucanyoga.co.uk/events-news