left to right: Randalle love, Eleonora Zampatti, Phylicia Bonanno Centre front: Melanie Lznaola
Happy Birthday OM
This month marks the 100th issue of OM Yoga & Lifestyle magazine. We asked our fabulous cover girl models this month how they felt yoga had changed in the decade since our launch…and what to expect in the next 10 years.
How yoga has changed in the 10 years since OM began
“I feel that yoga has become much more mainstream since OM launched in 2009. The stigma of yoga being ‘weird’, or only for ‘hippies’, has been erased. Now, it seems to be a trendy activity, almost a fad to some, you could say. Yoga has definitely evolved beyond the ashram.” Randalle
“Nowadays, thanks to technology, yoga can be in your life with the simple click of a button. We have so many different styles to choose from, multiple sources of information, lots of different yoga gear etc. But I still recommend that all people find a yoga studio close to home in order begin their practice. One-on-one connection is so important, especially in an era where we often forget that.” Eleonora
“Yoga in the past 10 years has become more mainstream and widely accepted. It has become part of a lifestyle, a way to stay healthy, for mind and body. In today’s society, and the rushed world we live in, many people have turned to mindfulness as a way to disconnect - and to connect with this healthier, happier life.” Melanie
“Yoga has become something everybody knows about: 10 years ago it was still something new and foreign to many people. A lot of work places now offer yoga to employees as companies have recognised how essential moving the body and meditating is to a good working environment. Yoga is even offered in public schools where the teachers go through training to be able to educate their students on mindfulness. As an elementary school art teacher I love that now I can add yoga to my curriculum: my students get so excited to flow, meditate and experience mini sound bath sessions.” Phyllicia

Yoga trends in the coming decade
“Yoga trends come and go. Currently, the yoga movement is taking yoga outdoors, be it in urban or beautiful destinations. There are many yoga festivals and events all around the world helping to unite and bring others together. I see this trend becoming even bigger.” Melanie
“It’s really hard to say what yoga trends may appear over the next decade. We already have everything from goat yoga to beer yoga to nude yoga. Maybe some sort of gamer yoga will develop in the future.” Randalle
“Yoga will continue to grow and become more accessible and affordable to all communities. Right now, practicing at a studio can be quite expensive and not something everybody can afford. But we are making ways to open doors to all communities and economic groups. Yoga is truly a way of life that balances the mind, body, and soul and we want everybody to be part of that.... and I know in time it will happen.” Phyllicia
“I hope this grounding and inspiring discipline keeps growing in popularity and becomes a part of everybody’s life. I also hope that it will teach people what communication really is and remind all of us, on a daily basis, how to put our phones down and to live in the present moment.” Eleonora

Happy birthday to you
“Congratulations on 10 years of an amazing magazine. OM is here because of its awesome readers! Thank you for allowing me to be part of this community and share the yoga love.” Phyllicia
“I would like to say happy birthday to my favourite yoga magazine OM! Congratulations on 10 years of spreading the yoga love all over the world!” Randalle
Buon Compleanno OM Yoga and Lifestyle magazine! I wish you and all your amazing team another 100 years (and more) of happiness, success and growth! You created an amazing community and I am so happy to be part of it. Eleonora
Happiest birthdays OM! I am honoured and privileged to be a part of such a beautiful magazine that inspires, connects and unites the world’s yoga community. Thank you! Melanie
Photos: Natalia DiFolco at Bask Hot Yoga (baskhotyoga.com)