Holiday Hygge (Hyoo-guh)
5 ways to inject some cosy calm into the chaos this holiday season and have all the festive fun without chronic pain flar up's.
Reading time: 5 minutes
I was in central London on the weekend and it’s certainly beginning to look a lot like Christmas; bright lights, beautiful, colourful shop fronts and a million people on the streets!
I do love the joyful, even manic pre-Christmas buzz, but I’ll be honest ‘this most wonderful time of year’ can sometimes feel like anything but. The frenzied activity, the endless to-do list, the shopping, decorating, social engagements and not to forget the colder weather can all become too much. Some days all I want to do is crawl under a duvet and hibernate until the clocks change again.
If you too live with a chronic pain like I do, you know what I mean. While everyone around you is dashing through the snow or rain with excitement, you’re probably just trying to figure out how to get through the next day without flaring up and crashing, right?
So, here’s a thought… What if, this year, instead of the usual holiday hustle, you took a step back, slowed down and focussed on creating comfort, cosiness, and peace amidst all the chaos?
This is where hygge can can create some real holiday magic. Hygge (pronounced hyoo -guh) is a Danish concept of finding warmth, comfort, and joy in life’s simple things. Think cosy spaces, soft blankets, glowing candles, fairy lights, soft music, woolly socks, a cup of hot cocoa — everything that makes you sigh and let go. That’s the hygge vibe.
When you live with chronic pain and fatigue, bringing some hygge into your life could help you navigate the holidays without feeling like you have to keep pushing through the frenzy.
It is not about missing out on the fun and festivities but finding ways to enjoy them without draining your energy or flaring up your pain. Instead of feeling pressured to keep up with everything, you can embrace a slower, cosier approach that lets you focus on what truly brings you comfort and joy.
Five Steps to a Hygge Haven
1. Cosy up your space
First things first, create your happy space. Nothing says festive like tinsel and twinkling lights but it doesn’t have to look the cover of Home and Gardens. Who has the energy for all that? So instead try adding little hygge-inspired touches that make your home feel like a cosy, festive retreat.
Set the scene and the mood with warm, soft lamps, scented candles and simple fairy lights. Add in some plush throws and blankets, some plump cushions, a few magazines or books and suddenly, you’ve got a cosy corner to relax in when the holiday madness gets too much.
2. Work smarter not harder
Now that you’ve got your cosy corner, play some music, put your feet up and go shopping. Going online means you never have to endure the Christmas crush. Take it from the queen of online shopping, everything from groceries to Xmas trees and gifts are just clicks away.
And let’s ditch the faff around gift wrapping, it’s bad for the planet anyway. Get some festive gift bags instead which can be re-used and re-used. Make it special with handwritten name tags if you have the energy and time.
Cards to mail? Write a few every evening instead of the whole pile in one sitting.
Plan your Christmas lunch in advance by searching for recipes that take the least amount of preparation time and require no more than five ingredients each. You will be amazed by all the wonderful recipes out there.
Lastly, enlist friends and family to come help decorate the tree and even pre- prep and freeze some of the meals. They can all escape the chaos and enjoy some calm in your new hygge space!
Ideas to help Chronic Pain Warriors
3. Treat yourself to a daily dose of self-care (You deserve it)
When you’re making your holiday to-do list, guess what gets shoved to the very bottom? Self care! But, if you are living with chronic pain, you should be at the top of that list. This is where hygge self-care comes in. Think about creating simple, soothing rituals that help you rest and recharge without feeling like you need to book a day at the spa.
What better way to end the day than with a gentle, warm oil self-massage at the end of the day followed by a soak in the bath or a hot shower? Add a few tea lights and some music and you are set. ( Sesame oil is great for relieving the aches and pains as are epsom salts)
Keep a dedicated time aside everyday for gentle stretching, meditation or any other activity that helps you unwind like going for a walk (you can post your cards now), reading, colouring, watching telly.The key here is to make time for you, even when the holiday season is pulling you in a million directions. And remember, pyjamas all day are a real option.
3. Keep it simple
Anything you want to do, make or buy, think like a pro. Delegate what you can. What you cannot delegate, try and simplify. There is always an easier way. It might require you to let go of some old traditions but hey, you are making some new ones right now that are going to nourish and nurture you!
Maybe you’ll skip the big holiday feast this year and instead have a small, intimate meal that’s all about comfort. Because honestly, isn’t that what the season should be about anyway?
4. Create low-key gatherings that won’t leave you feeling drained
Holiday gatherings can be tricky. On one hand, you want to see your friends and family. On the other hand, big, noisy parties can totally drain your energy and leave you feeling wiped out for days. The solution? Low-key hygge gatherings. Instead of big, high-energy events why not invite a few close friends over for a relaxed evening—think cosy sweaters, warm drinks, and quiet conversations curled up on the sofa.
And if you’re really not up for socialising in person, virtual hangouts are still a great way to gather.
5. Set boundaries
Last but definitely not least, let’s talk about boundaries and rest—two things that are so important during the holidays, but often easily forgotten. It’s natural to feel like you should be doing all the things—attending every event, buying every gift, and keeping up with the fast pace of the season. But when you’re living with chronic pain, you’ve got to prioritise yourself. And that means giving yourself permission to say ‘no’.
Set boundaries with yourself and others without feeling guilty for protecting your energy. Maybe, you attend one or two holiday gatherings but say no to the rest. Or perhaps you spend an entire weekend just resting. That’s hygge at its finest, honouring what feels right for you, without the pressure to be everywhere and do everything.
After all, the holidays should be about feeling good, not stressed out. So, why not lean into the hygge vibe this season and create some cosiness that supports you and your needs. Happy holidays!