Keep up the yoga habit
5 tips on how to stick with the yoga habit. By Jinis Lai
Even if you love yoga, sometimes it’s easy to drift away from your practice and find distraction elsewhere. Don’t worry, most people are guilty of slacking at some point! So here are some quick tips to help make it to the yoga mat on a regular basis.
1. Keep it simple
To practice yoga you do not need a lot of equipment, all you need is yourself. Did you know simple breathing and stretching exercises constitute yoga? This can even be done on your bed for 15 minutes in the morning.
2. Start small
Remove the guilt of not making it to your mat and make a more realistic promise to yourself. Begin by committing to one or two days a week. If you cannot do it on Monday, then do it on Tuesday; relieve the pressure and follow how you feel.
3. Reminder to self
Pop a little message to yourself on your mirror or your phone calendar saying ‘take a break and yoga would be lovely’. This will remind you that taking time for yoga will help your mind, energy, flexibility, strength, and inner peace — only positives come from a yoga practice.
"Only positives come from a yoga practice"
4. Mix it up
There are many types of yoga, so why not mix it up? If you have time to practice in the morning try some light stretching and breathing to wake yourself up. If you are keen for an afternoon session, do some more dynamic yoga such as Mobility Flow or Ashtanga to build your strength. And then, in the evening, give Restorative or Yin Yoga a go — a more meditative style of yoga will help you relax and wind down your day.
5. Join a club you love
Try a variety of studios or gyms before you commit — one with an environment that suits your aura and energy, or a teacher you like, or a place with a wide variety of classes or just that one class that makes you feel good. Most of all, remember that everything you need is already within you — strength, compassion, peace and love.
Just keep practicing! Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within