
Light up your root chakra

In the first part of a new seven-part series, Jenny Baker leads an exploration of the chakras, the body’s subtle spinning energy wheels

The chakras are intricate spinning wheels of energy corresponding to specific areas within the body. The human body consists of seven chakras aligned to influence behaviours and values in our lives. You’ll experience different sensations of energy in your  body depending on which chakra you choose to activate.

The root chakra
The root chakra is represented by the element earth. This ball of energy serves as the foundation for the entire chakra system. Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is associated with feelings of safety and grounding. It allows us to grow with security while we explore all aspects of  our lives.

Ways to ignite your root chakra
There are many ways you can harness the energy of your root chakra. One way is to connect to the earth with activities such as swimming, hiking, gardening, and incorporating fresh, healthy foods into your diet.

If you’re looking to get in touch with this energy, here are some easy ways you can activate the root chakra in your life.

Stand with Awareness:  When you feel less grounded, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart while keeping your upper body relaxed. Allow your arms to rest with ease by your sides. Take a few deep breaths and with each exhale, let yourself feel more connected to the earth while you push your feet down deeper into the ground. Feel energy ranging from head to toe.


Walk Mindfully:  As you walk down the street or take a hike in nature, be aware of every step you take. With each stride, pay attention to your breath. Notice the sensation your feet feel with each step.

Open your root chakra through yoga
If you want to feel the energy of your root chakra through yoga, here are two easy poses to get you started.

Standing Forward Bend, or Uttanasana, is a great pose to light up the root chakra.

You’ll find yourself feeling centered and calm as you let your body and mind relax. This pose slowly stretches the hamstrings and relieves tension in the low back.

To achieve this pose, start in Mountain pose with your feet planted flat on the floor, your spine upright and tall, and arms relaxed by your sides. Exhale and bend forward from your hips. If you feel comfortable, bring your palms or finger tips to the floor slightly in front of or  beside your feet while keeping your knees straight. If this is too strenuous, simply cross your forearms and hold your elbows. Lift and lengthen your torso just a little as you inhale. As you release your breath, let your body release a little deeper into the forward bend.

Feel the ground beneath you in Easy pose, or Sukhasana, as you close your eyes and breathe.

Begin this pose by sitting on your yoga mat. Fold a thick blanket underneath you for support and sit close to one edge of the blanket with your legs out in front of you on the floor. Cross your shins, keep your knees wide and fold each foot underneath the opposite knee as you fold your legs in toward your torso. Inhale taking in the fresh new energy of spring and exhale all of the things you want to leave behind. Trust in yourself, let go and be open to new opportunities that await you.

Find the hidden energy of your root chakra both on and off the mat!

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