Living seasonally
; As we move into Autumn I want to explore how we can live our lives according to the seasons - By Emma Mills
Reading time: 4 minutes
Every year I feel like I miss the transition between Summer and Autumn, I have loved Summer that much that I am still trying to drag it out, sitting outside for lunch, wearing sandals, eating strawberries and ice cream. Then all of a sudden I’ll be shocked to see Halloween decorations on a neighbours front door or my car littered with crisp brown leaves, I never notice that ‘transition’. Most likely I’m a lot like many humans, I’d prefer it if things didn’t change and I didn’t have to deal with another changing situation around me!
But I’ve decided to start exploring ways to live seasonally, moving with the tide instead of fighting against it. To live seasonally would be to consciously surrender to the inevitable changes within and around us on a moment-by-moment basis. Moving with the seasons allows for those different periods without becoming attached to any one time of the year in the knowledge that there will be a return of all phases in due course.
You in?
Lets pinpoint how we can embrace the charming season of Autumn.
- Observe nature – Spending some time outside is amazing at this time of year, we gain a connection with the earth, the changing colour of the leaves, the arrival of birds or different habits of wildlife, we can help ourselves feel more settled and grounded by observing the different daylight hours, when you wake up open a window or step outside to feel the change in temperature.
- Tweak your eating habits – Purchasing your fruit and vegetables from a local supplier not only is good for the environment and supports local businesses but you can chose for yourself fresh seasonal goodies such as root vegetables, squash, apples, maybe you might feel inspired enough to hand cook a stew or pumpkin soup.
- Adjust your yoga practice – I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t add this one! Autumn is the perfect time to try a different style of yoga, include some restorative poses or try a Yin class, by adding more calming and grounding postures you are creating a feel good transition for your body (don’t forget you can add all the props and blankets you need.)
- Hit the hay at a different time – Don’t think of Autumn ‘as loosing an hour’, take advantage of the longer nights to rest, restore, pamper and indulge yourself in self care activities.
- Bring Autumn indoors – Try a different aromatherapy oil that has the scent ‘pine’ or ‘roasted acorns’ something to bring a cosy feel into your home. Light a lovely candle and dig out fluffy blankets, giant floor pillows and slippers, learn to embrace the transition into a darker, slightly cooler stretch of time.
By looking at ways we can move with the changing seasons, we can become more in sync with not only our environment but ourselves, you might surprise yourself by how much you love the year as it changes and blossoms.
Love & Light to all, and happy Autumn of course!