MAN ON THE MAT with Ravi Dixit



  • Prapadasana improves balance and concentration.
  • Strengthens the feet, ankles, calves, knees and thighs
  • Stretches the hips, groin and hamstrings.
  • Works the muscles of the core and those supporting the spine.


  • There are several variations to this asana. You can rest your elbows on your knees (like you see in this photo) or sit up straight and keep your hand in ‘Namaste’ in front of your chest.
  • This asana prepares you for more challenging poses such as Parivrtta Prapadasana (Twisted Toe Squat) where you twist the upper body to one side.
  • Another advanced variation of this pose is Padangustha Padma Utkatasana (Half Lotus Toe Balance), where one leg is lifted and taken into a half lotus with the foot resting on the opposite leg.


  • Keep a straight spine and consciously stretch up from the base of the spine; this will help reduce the weight of the body on the heels.
  • Place the hands on the ground if you’re unable to balance.
  • If it’s difficult to keep the knees together, open the knees so that they point outwards, but stay on your toes.


  • Prapadasana helps to improve levels of concentration and focus.
  • Don’t worry if you feel unsteady or unbalanced at first.
  • Focus on a static point in front of you or on the space in between your eyebrows.
  • Once you feel comfortable and balanced in the pose, you can close your eyes and try to keep the same balance.

Precautions: if you have any issues with your toes or ankles, such as ligament problems or recent bone fractures, please avoid this pose and consult with your doctor.

Follow Ravi Dixit on Instagram: @raviyoga_goa

Man on the Mat: Prapadasana
Man on the Mat: Prapadasana

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.