Mantra of the month

When was the last time you wondered if you were good enough? Or even convinced yourself that that was the case? I'm guessing most likely fairly recently.
Self-doubt is something that each and every one of us will face at some point in our lives. When we fail or we think we have failed, we ask ourselves if we have what it takes or convince ourselves we are not good enough; and, on the flipside, when we do succeed, we presume it was a fluke, or we got lucky.
Self-doubt can be very destructive and if not dealt with will stop us from reaching our highest potential.
If a situation arises and you don't believe you will succeed or have a positive outcome, the best thing you can do is try your best and face the fear of failure head on in order to grow and succeed further down the line.
I truly believe that past successes are the best weapon against self-doubt and the most effective tool towards believing in your potential. If it doesn't work out, the chances are you will still get something out of the experience, even if it’s a lesson of what to change next time.
When I first started teaching both yoga and calligraphy, I was terrified to hold the space, knowing that people are there to learn from me and expect me to deliver what they came for. My fears were mostly themed around ‘What if they don't enjoy the class?’ ‘What if I mess it up?’ But the more you do it and succeed with positive feedback, the easier it will be to believe you have what it takes.
The last year has been a challenge for most of us in so many different ways. For some, difficulties in work life mean taking a new path and even learning new skills in order to make a living. It is very important that going forward we hold our heads high and believe we have what it takes to reach our highest potential in all aspects of life. Negativity will hold you back, positivity and self love will drive you.
What have you achieved over the last year? What do you still want to achieve this year? Make a plan of action and go get it, even if it means you have to push through some fear to get there.
Try this pose... Headstand (Shirshasana)
This pose is perfect to accompany your mantra. Know you have what it takes to achieve it, practice and all is coming.
Kirstie Bird is a yoga teacher and modern calligrapher ( Find her on Instagram @inkandflowlondon
Om Magazine
First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.