Mantra of the month

Try this pose Camel (Ustrasana):
This pose is perfect to accompany your mantra. Let your heart open and welcome in change and new beginnings
Kirstie Bird is a London-based yoga teacher and modern calligrapher (
Sometimes it's hard to see the wood for the trees when external shifts unfold in our lives. Place faith in the unknown and let your inner sense of knowing guide you. We do not need to see or have evidence of what will become but to simply have faith and trust the process and the journey. Things may not go according to plan and you might not understand what is unfolding for you in this present moment but to trust the process you must trust that the reason that this is happening is because circumstances are rearranging for your higher good. If it’s meant to be it will be.
Perhaps you have made a big decision in your life and are left wondering if you are embarking on the right path? Or perhaps you are struggling with anxiety relating to a decision you have made or for a situation you find yourself in? Be sure to make decisions based on your delicate inner whispers, the energy that tugs at your heart and calls you towards what you love. I decided to trust the process when I quit my full-time office job to follow my heart and do what I love for my career. I know deep down that this is the right path for me and therefore continue to trust that the universe will guide me in the right direction based on decisions I have made and continue to make. Learning and growing as I go.
Look outside of your comfort zone for answers and guidance, they are there, ready and waiting.
Om Magazine
First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.