My place
Yogi: Jackie Heffer-Cooke and Megan Cooke
Photographer: Jess Wilkins Photography
Location: Holkham Nature Reserve, Norfolk
This photo shows ‘ZenMuma’ Jackie Heffer-Cooke and her daughter Megan practicing together in the iconic three-mile-long pinewoods of Holkham Nature Reserve in North Norfolk. “We love these woods. When Megan was little we’d come to explore the magic of the forest, we’d look for forest fairies, forage and find precious pine cones to take home and decorate. Now we walk for miles with our Springador called ‘Dotty’, and just sit together in the stillness of the woods listening to the sounds. We even do some real-life forest yoga too.” Jackie teaches children’s yoga with her teacher training school ZenKids and holds mum and daughter yoga retreats with Big Sky Retreats.
Follow on Instagram: Jackie Heffer-Cooke @zenmuma and Jess Wilkins Photography @jess_wilkins_photography