My place
Yogi: Vanessa McDonald
Photographer: John Chamberlain
Location: Creswick Street Reserve, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Australia
This spot feels like a little pocket of paradise in the middle of busy Melbourne, one of Australia’s biggest cities, says yogini Vanessa McDonald. It’s also great for a quick outdoor yoga practice. As a yoga teacher with Omflow (omflow.yoga), a real-time online yoga studio that delivers interactive, personalised feedback and corrections in the moment, standing mermaid is one of her favourite poses because she loves the shape it creates in her body, and imagines herself as being a bit of a mermaid. “It’s so wonderful being here when the sun sets as you can see how the entire sky slowly changes colour and the city lights begin to turn on,” she says. “It’s an incredibly special moment to watch the transition from day to night.”