Tips from the experts to help you grow the yoga business of your dreams
This month’s mentor:
Kathryn Stephens, 47, KS Sports Yoga and Pilates, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire

What's your niche?
Football. I have grown up all my life around football, so it was always my intention to work in this field. My dad was a referee and my brother played football until a few years ago. I understand the demands of the game that the players face so I gear my sessions around what is needed for players throughout their season. I work at some incredible clubs with amazing staff and players, so feel truly blessed.
Business plan?
In theory I should have a brilliant business plan as my higher education is in business and finance, however it's far from it! My plan though has always been to really love what I do, and when I don't, it's time to change things. I also try and make sure that all my CPD courses these days are all relevant to who I'm teaching. I have done some amazing courses in the past but some of them didn't help me any further with my teaching so it wasn't cost effective even though they were really enjoyable.

Self-care tips?
I feel incredibly lucky that I live by the sea so a brisk walk every day really blows the cobwebs away! Whatever the mood when I set off I come back feeling fresh and very grateful for everything that I have. Before I step out of my bed I set my day up with some positive intentions and always end the day with some more. I started this routine nearly 20 years ago when I read a Louise Hay book; it was life changing for me. I also love attending my friend's yoga class every Sunday. She has a different style of teaching to me so it allows me to switch off from teacher mode.
I feel incredibly lucky that I live by the sea so a brisk walk every day really blows the cobwebs away! Whatever the mood when I set off I come back feeling fresh and very grateful for everything that I have. Before I step out of my bed I set my day up with some positive intentions and always end the day with some more. I started this routine nearly 20 years ago when I read a Louise Hay book; it was life changing for me. I also love attending my friend's yoga class every Sunday. She has a different style of teaching to me so it allows me to switch off from teacher mode.
Hardest lesson?
That's an easy question to answer for me: comparing myself to other yoga teachers! For a long time I used to think I couldn't be a good yoga teacher because I didn't have endless flexibility that some others have. I have a good, normal range of movement, but I have been active in sports all my life so I'm maybe a bit more restricted than some yoga teachers. My cobbler pose is definitely not one that I shout about! Luckily, with age I became a little bit wiser. I stopped comparing myself and I realised that the people who want lots of bendy yoga will find another teacher and those that are a bit less bendy, like myself, will find their way over to me. That's why it's so great to have a niche as you can't please everyone all the time.

Future trends?
I've seen so many trends over the years, but not many could have predicted the massive online trend due to the pandemic. I personally loved getting back to face-to-face teaching and haven't remained online, although I did enjoy it at the time. If the right course or CPD came up online now I would definitely sign up. In the past I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of an online course, but the quality of online education is now a different level. I can see this continuing for many years especially with the rise in living costs. I know so many younger people, particularly men, that were introduced to yoga because of all the online content available over the last few years, that must be a good thing and hopefully that will continue too.
Written and compiled by Claudia Brown (