Restoring Prana - A Therapeutic Guide To Pranayama And Healing Through The Breath For Yoga Therapists, Yoga Teachers And Healthcare Practitioners
Robin L. Rothenberg
Singing Dragon
This step-by-step Pranayama training manual is an essential text for yoga therapists, yoga teachers and healthcare practitioners who prescribe breathing practices for their clients. Grounded in Vedic science and validated by Western physiology, it presents a simple yet revolutionary approach to breathing that restores vitality and improves health. Inspired by the Buteyko Method, which emphasises reduced breathing, the author demonstrates great courage as she questions the modern-yoga, big-breathing paradigm. Includes tools to address a wide range of ailments including COPD, asthma, anxiety, sleep apnoea and neurological conditions.
Further reading:
Crystal 365 - Crystals For Everyday Life And Your Guide To Health, Wealth And Balance
Heather Askinosie
Hay House
An abundance of information on all things crystals. Includes each crystal’s history and lore, origin, and intention, as well as a simple three- to six-step practice for easy activation. The author also shares a wealth of crystal combinations for intentions such as love, wealth, creativity, and happiness. A concise, simple and elegant guide to crystals, plus the images in the book are also beautiful.
The Way to Self-Development
George Kiourtzidis
An accessible and practical method for awakening conscience by a descendant of the great spiritual teacher GI Gurdjieff. This book is a simple guide to applying wisdom and spirituality to help you live your life with greater understanding and purpose. Written for anyone who is looking to get more out of life. A great introduction to esoteric Christianity and spirituality, the book begins with a practical explanation of key concepts of Gurdjieff’s teachings. Includes advice on how to apply the methods and ideas to everyday life.
Spirit of Propecy
Jill Hughes
A metaphysical novel of international crime, for all readers interested in spiritual development, by UK-born author Jill Hughes. A fast-paced mystery featuring psychic detective Rosetta Barrett. As she unpicks the clues of the crime, a deeper prophecy emerges dating back to an atrocity which happened on Apache lands some time ago, and the race to solve more than one karmic mystery begins. Read Spirit of Prophecy and get onboard a metaphysical rollercoaster from the future to the past and back.