The Key
Theia Joy
£12.99 Silverwood Books
The Key offers a new philosophical life perspective that cleverly integrates science, spirituality and the principles of the ancient Chinese symbol yin and yang. This new perspective can help you gain a higher understanding and awareness of life itself, to unlock your highest self and highest path in life. The author uses philosophical, psychological, archetypal and spiritual terms, as well as scientific concepts which provide a grounded approach to a highly conceptual and theoretical idea that can, ultimately, help you to create balance, harmony, and wholeness both in your everyday life and in the world all around you.
Leonhart Fuchs: The New Herbal
Werner Dressendörfer
£125 (Hardcover with booklet,892 pages), Taschen
Leonhart Fuchs (1501–1566) was a founding father of modern botany, honoured to this day in the vivid flower, and corresponding colour, Fuchsia. In 1543, he combined his knowledge with groundbreaking medical research in his New Herbal, showing 500 types of plants and their healing properties. This edition is based on his personal, hand-coloured copy, which has miraculously survived fourand- a-half centuries in pristine condition. Fascinating for historians of medicine and art, gardeners, and anyone interested in herbal medicine, it features 500+ illustrations, excerpts of Fuchs’s original texts, and an essay exploring the history of healing herbs.
Move, Connect, Play: The Art And Science Of AcroYoga
Jason Nemer
$25.99 St. Martin’s Essentials/Macmillan
A book detailing the core principles of AcroYoga, a practice that melds the spectacle of circus arts with the healing power of massage and the breath work of yoga. The author shares the core principles of AcroYoga for athletic performance and for life, as well as 10 key areas of training (strength, flexibility, technique, balance, breath, gravity, relationships, mental, emotional, and sustainability). He also offers specific exercises and routines for how to train safely and effectively in each area. This is the book that millions of AcroYogis around the world have been waiting for!
Morning Meditations Journal
Hay House Editors
£11.99 Hay House
There’s no better inspiration for building a personalised and doable morning meditation practice than this beautiful full-colour journal, bursting with whimsical illustrations to bring joy and energy to your mornings. With as little as five minutes you can develop a powerful self-care habit that will enable you to start each day grounded, centred and ready for whatever comes your way. Each page is a new surprise with space to write and plenty of inspiration to help you to build a happier, healthier, more joyful life.