OM meets...
Sadie Frost
Actress, director and health retreat partner Sadie Frost recently completed a Jivamukti yoga teacher training, and talks to OM here about partnering with the Amchara Health Retreat Gozo, a luxury wellness resort off Malta
How did you first get interested in yoga and can you remember your first class?
I remember in the late 80s, my best friend Zoe and I going to a house in Notting Hill Gate where there was meditation, yoga and vegetarian food I think it may have been the Sivananda method; the whole place was lit by candles and had a dreamy, authentic feel. This planted the second seed in my heart on the path of yoga – I wish places like this still existed.
The first seed to be planted though was when I was quite young. A friend of my mother’s suggested I should start practicing yoga because I had a serious lung condition and the breathwork within yoga would give me a better quality of life and could even help prolong my life, which it has by all accounts!
What I love about the yogi path though is that the seeds that are planted will always pull you back and keep you on your personal yoga journey. It’s a deep connection that can sometimes take you away from the crowd but in times where you might feel directionless, scared, or lonely, yoga is aways there to assist you and hold your hand. I especially find when that you’re travelling, and you feel these things, you can just look up a local class and you will immediately feel grounded again.
What impact has yoga had on your life since then and in what ways has it shaped you as a person?
I have always rushed around and done everything very fast: yoga has slowed me down and taught me to be more present. I have had situations in my life where anxiety and depression took hold but by committing to a proper yoga practice it really helped with all of that and today I feel 100% more complete.
I love the physical asana side, the postures and flow, but the philosophy, kriyas, devotion have all helped with inner growth, peace of mind and giving me lots of deeper health benefits. I love that yoga helps flatten your ego so you can operate as a decent, caring, compassionate human being, which can burn away the darker things internally
What are the main styles of yoga that you enjoy and do today?
Jivamukti, Hatha, Kundalini, Forrest, Ashtanga. I love all of them, but my main focus is Jivamukti as it incorporates all the elements I deeply believe, which will assist you with spiritual enlightenment… and that is my goal: the elements Ahimsa (non-harming), Bhakti (devotion), Dyana (mediation), Nada (development of sound), then Shastra (studies of ancient teachings)..
You also have a long interest in functional medicine. What does that mean to you?
My stepfather was a pioneer in alternative medicine – he was a colour healer and practiced radionics – so this was my introduction to such things. We have always been a plant-based vegetarian family, using acupuncture, flower remedies and homeopathy, as well as Chinese herbs. All of these things helped me get better from the lung condition I had as a child — at one point, Western medicine wanted to remove my lung, which myself and my mother decided not to do and do things alternatively instead. It’s funny because a lot of functional medicine was frowned upon in the 70s and 80s, but now it’s getting the respect it deserves – people used to think our family were mad with all our lotions and potions!
Can you tell us about your involvement in the Amchara wellness retreat?
I met with the founders some time ago after being a visitor for several years. I saw what they were doing was so progressive and authentic — it does what it says on the tin, it’s not a lie or a gimmick, it is the real deal and helps people transform and get better. Over the years, I have witnessed some amazing things there. Amchara is a gentle and authentic place based on Gozo, Malta's sister island. I truly believe in Amchara's approach across the board. After visiting for years it is the next natural step to be announced as an official partner.
You recently qualified as a Jivamukti teacher at Amchara: how was that experience and why do you love that style?
The whole experience was so uplifting — and incredibly demanding at the same time. I loved every second; everyone on the course were yogi angels. The experience takes you to so many different places, such as asana practice, meditation, Samedi, Arti, and there are many lectures that enable you to learn to teach. The course was like a finely-tuned art form, which incorporates lots of Sanskrit and ancient philosophies – I don’t think I have ever felt so present and elevated.

Any tips or life hacks for the rest of us looking to improve our day-to-day lives?
Sometimes things can be overwhelming when we have so much to do. I always like to do a prep of something before I actually do it e.g. clean before I actually start cleaning; get everything ready before I actually start cooking. So when it comes to my yoga daily practice I do a mini yoga session before I commit to my actual full-on time on the mat. This can even be in bed if it’s cold and when you just can’t face getting out of bed at 5am, or sometimes it’s a gentle, constructive way to get into the day if you feel it’s hard. This can also be done once out of bed on a block which I keep next to by my bed with my mat (so I never forget to practice).
I will play a frequency of ’Om’ on my speaker and I will do a 5-10-minute meditation then incorporate breathwork, followed by some sufi rolls, gentle stretches and hip openers to get everything ready before I start my actual practice. What this does is it centres and grounds me in a deep and connected way so my body and mind feel entirely ready to take on a bigger, deeper practice later in the day. I love block work to create space and to work on opening the heart chakra and to also place it underneath my sacrum (either way up) to lengthen the psoas muscle, releasing any emotional fight-or-flight trauma.
What else are you up to in life right now?
I am planning a few retreats at Amchara Gozo for this year, so watch out for them! I have spent the winter redesigning the suites in calming pink and green tones and I am looking forward to showing my guests when the season starts. In addition, I want to work closely with Jivamukti in certain areas to develop some ideas, plus further my own practice by travelling to other Jivamukti studios across the globe. Oh, and also finishing the documentary on Twiggy I have been directing, which will be released in the autumn.

Sadie Frost
Quick Q&A
Favourite yoga or spiritual book?
For the Jivamukti teacher training we had a comprehensive reading list, but I must say Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God by Swami Mukundananda is my favourite go-to book at the moment. Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda; Jivamukti Yoga by Sharon Gannon and David Life; and the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali are also all on my bedside table.
Go-to health food or drink?
I really like a good, nutritious smoothie first thing in the morning that gives me antioxidants and chlorophyll, one I know ticks all the boxes to serve me through my day. So I incorporate spirulina, coconut water, chia seeds, cacao — something that feeds the soul but also gives me protein and hydration.
Favourite quote?
“I have decided to stick with love: hate’s too heavy a burden to bear” — Dr Martin Luther King
Favourite yoga pose and why?
I love ‘tiptoe fish’, which is in class 7 of Jivamukti — firstly, because of the name (makes me smile), and secondly, because of how it makes my body feel — it’s a strong heart-opener, plus a great stretch on the legs and feet.
If you could take a yoga class as a student with any teacher, past or present, who would it be and why?
I think as I have just finished my Jivamukti teacher training I’d have to say Sharon Gannon and David Life. I wish I had got the chance to do a yoga class with them as the method and teachings intrigue me. However, they are mainly based in the US now, so I’d say the teacher I have followed the most and am able to do a class with in London is Stewart Gilchrist, who teaches at Indaba. He is an absolute yogi genius. I have practiced with him on and off for many years and have been to India on some of his mind[1]opening retreats. I love his classes as they are physically challenging but have the deepest spiritual practice.
Prices at Amchara Gozo start from £1800 for 7 nights in a private one bedroom apartment Flights to Malta start from £100 return dependent on time of year. For more information visit: amchara.com/malta-retreat