OM Yoga Awards 2023: Vote Now!
It’s your chance to vote! The shortlists have been drawn up for all categories in our inaugural OM Yoga Awards. The winners of each category will be announced at the OM Yoga Show 2023 this October. Have your say and vote now, but be quick…voting closes on 8th September!
It’s time to pick your favourites! All the nominations are in and the shortlists have been compiled for all categories in our inaugural OM Yoga Awards 2023. Who is your favourite yoga teacher? Do you have a favourite yoga mat, or a favourite yoga retreat destination? Cast your vote now and tell us who you’d like to win! But get in quick! Voting is open now but closes on 8th September 2023.
Favourite Yoga Teacher
- Aimee Garcia-Marshall @icchayoga
- Bhavisha Pankhania @bhavishayoga
- Lesley Fitzpatrick-Feurstein @thesweatboxworthing
- Marylene Henry @zazyoga
- Miriam Indries @aegialis_hotel_spa
- Nikita Thakrar (dncstudio.com)
- Rina Sodha @rinasodha_
- Sarah Powell @sarahpowellyoga
- Serena Dell @serenadell_yoga
- Suthesh Sukumaran (simpliyoga.com)
Favourite Yoga Teacher Trainer
- Aimee Garcia-Marshall, Iccha Yoga (icchayoga.co.uk)
- Akram Yoga (akramyoga.co.uk)
- Hali Love, Playa Negra Yoga (halilove.com)
- Kathy Ran, Yoga University (yoga-university.co.uk)
- Kelsey Taylor (kelseytayloryoga.com)
- Marylene Henry, Zazyoga (zazyoga.com)
- Miriam Indries, Aegialis School of Yoga (aegialis.com)
- Sally Parkes (sallyparkesyoga.com)
- Tall Trees Yoga (talltreesyoga.co.uk)
- Vidya Heisel, Frog Lotus Yoga International (froglotusyogainternational.com)
Favourite Yoga Mats
- Core Balance (corebalancefitness.co.uk)
- Jade Yoga (jadeyoga.co.uk)
- Liforme (liforme.com)
- Lululemon (lululemon.com)
- Manduka (manduka.com)
- Manifesting Magic (manifestingmagic.co.uk)
- Natural Yogi (naturalyogi.co.uk)
- Sweaty Betty (sweatybetty.com)
- Yoga Matters (yogamatters.com)
- Yogi Bare (yogi-bare.com)
Favourite Yoga Retreat
- Aegialis School of Yoga, Greece (aegialis.com)
- Chillout Retreats, UK & Abroad various (chilloutretreats.com)
- Fire&Bliss Yoga Retreats, Cotswolds (fireandbliss.co.uk)
- Glass House Retreat, Essex (glasshouseretreat.co.uk)
- Innercamp (innercamp.com)
- Playa Negra Yoga, Costa Rica (playanegrayoga.com)
- Simpliyoga, India and Scotland (simpliyoga.com)
- Soultribe Adventures (soultribeadventures.com)
- Suryalila, Spain (suryalila.com)
- Yoga Collective (yogacollective.uk)
Favourite Yoga Studio
- Aegialis School of Yoga, Greece (aegialis.com)
- Black Lotus, Mill Hill (blacklotusyoga.co.uk)
- DNC Studio, Slough (dncstudio.com)
- Hotpod Yoga (hotpodyoga.com)
- Playa Negra Yoga, Costa Rica (playanegrayoga.com)
- Tall Trees Yoga, Doncaster (talltreesyoga.co.uk)
- The Wellbeing and Wellness Coach, Burntwood (thewellbeingandwellnesscoach.com)
- Triyoga, various London (triyoga.co.uk)
- Yoga Collective, Pinner (yogacollective.uk)
- Yoganastics, Watford (yoganastics.co.uk)
Favourite Online Yoga Platform or App
- Alo Moves (alomoves.com)
- Boho Beautiful (bohobeautiful.life)
- Downdog (downdogapp.com)
- Insight Timer (insighttimer.com)
- Mindbody (mindbodyonline.com)
- Movement for Modern Life (movementformodernlife.com)
- Sarah Powell Yoga (sarahpowellyoga.co.uk)
- Yoga Collective (yogacollective.uk)
- Yoga with Adriene (yogawithadriene.com)
- Zazyoga (zazyoga.com)
Favourite Yoga Clothing Brand
- Alo Yoga (aloyoga.com)
- Asquith (asquithlondon.com)
- BAM (bambooclothing.co.uk)
- Blossom Yoga Wear (blossomyogawear.com)
- Colour Flow Activewear (colourflowactivewear.com)
- F | Lux (f-lux-activewear.co.uk)
- Lululemon (lululemon.com)
- Manduka (manduka.com)
- Oysho (oysho.com)
- Sweaty Betty (sweatybetty.com)
Favourite Yoga Charity
- British Wheel of Yoga (bwy.org.uk)
- Give Back Yoga (givebackyoga.org)
- Heart of Living Yoga (heartoflivingyoga.com)
- Lumi Foundation (lumifoundation.org.uk)
- Ourmala (ourmala.com)
- Prison Phoenix Trust (theppt.org.uk)
- Teen Yoga Foundation (teenyoga.com)
- The Iyengar Yoga Development Fund (iyengaryoga.org.uk)
- Yoga Gives Back (yogagivesback.org)
- Yoga Stops Traffick (adventureashram.org)
To register your vote please visit: ommagazine.com/om-yoga-awards
Voting closes 8th September 2023
Winners to be announced on 14th October 2023 at the OM Yoga Show in London