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In this month’s issue

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Healing Singing Bowls
Featured article of the month

The Resonance of Gongs: A Timeless Instrument for Healing and Transformation

Sponsored Article A timeless instrument for healing and transformation Reading time: 4-5 minutes Few, if any, instruments in the world of sound therapy and holistic wellness garner such universal respect and admiration as the gong. Powerful and inspiring, its vibrations have been used throughout the ages by cultures worldwide not only to heal but also to inspire human consciousness. Whether used in meditation, spiritual ceremonies, or in the recently popularized sound baths, the gong continues to stand as a tool…

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From Our Writers

Transitioning into Spring: A Yogi’s Pathway

A Yogic Journey into Spring's Awakening- By Teresa Yap-Young Reading time: 4 minutes As we depart from the clutches of winter and begin...

Together We Stand

A poem by Vanessa Heerasing If you remove your belongings If you remove your wealth Strip back to you standing with nothing on your back,...

How I Created a Sustainable Yoga Teaching Practice

Discovering the Power of Pre-Registered Classes to Earn More, Teach Less, and Build a Thriving Yoga Community - By Alexandria Waycott Reading time: 3 minutes...

Active Yoga

Yoga Anatomy: Intense Side Stretch Pose (Parsvottanasana)

Intense Side Stretch Pose Yoga Anatomy

Headstand crazy

Headstand crazy

Special Report

New Year New You

NEW YEAR Special report

All the way to awesome: your journey to your greatest self Reading time: 2 minutes Make 2025…

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Yoga Retreats 2025

Yoga Retreats 2025

How does more relaxation, a stronger connection to nature and an all-over body stretch sound right now?…

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BSN-Prepared Nurses in Healthcare
Featured article of the month

The Growing Demand for BSN-Prepared Nurses in Healthcare

Sponsored Article The healthcare industry is changing rapidly, and the role of nurses is evolving alongside it. Reading time: 4-6 minutes The healthcare industry is changing rapidly, and the role of nurses is evolving alongside it. Nurses are no longer just caregivers; they are also leaders, decision-makers, and advocates for patient health. To meet these growing expectations, the level of education required for nurses is rising. More healthcare organizations are now emphasizing the importance of having a Bachelor of Science…

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