Heal and Balance the Root Chakra
Balancing and Healing the Root Chakra
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Balancing and Healing the Root Chakra
The root chakra corresponds to the area at the base of the spine or the tailbone, and its energy permeates downwards to the feet. Root chakra energy is all about our sense of safety, stability, support, and belonging. It truly provides the foundation for our physical and spiritual beings. How can we hope to tap into our intuition and higher power if we are constantly worried about our basic needs? Issues surrounding money, our home, and family dynamics all reside in the root chakra. Achieving balance in the root, even if it’s a lifelong process, sets the scene for the rest of the chakra system to come into alignment. To heal and balance any root issues, focus on cultivating a sense of safety for yourself—feeling safe in your space and safe in your body. This is the direct opposite of fear, which can be acutely felt in this area. This may require some uncomfortable deep inner child work or even therapy, but there are simple ways to start this important work.
Earthing and Grounding
You’ve probably heard about the benefits of earthing practices, such as walking or standing barefoot on grass, sand, or soil. This is powerful root chakra work; you are literally grounding yourself to the earth.
Spending time outdoors in nature can be incredibly beneficial. Japanese-style forest bathing is fantastic, or simply walk while engaging your senses—listen, look, touch, smell, and taste the abundance of nature around you. Allow yourself to feel supported by the earth with every step, even if you’re wearing shoes.
When indoors, using a weighted blanket while sitting or lying down can be a lovely way to ground yourself. The weight can feel very comforting and help you transition from a busy thinking mind to an experiential state.
Treat Your Feet
If you needed an excuse to visit the spa, here it is: go for a pedicure or give your feet some tender loving care through exfoliation and massage. As mentioned above, the feet are literally the touch points between our physical body and the earth, so giving them some attention is very grounding. You can take this even further by standing on an acupressure mat or visiting a reflexologist.
Face Your Finances
Get your finances in order, as any money issues stem from the root chakra. If you’re afraid to tackle your financial woes, this will reflect as an imbalance in the root. Even if you are financially solvent, an imbalance might manifest itself as unnecessary hoarding or excessive worry about your financial situation. This indicates that you don’t feel safe and secure, providing an opportunity to work on this aspect of your being. Journaling about your money stories and reflecting on your attitudes towards money and wealth, particularly those you were exposed to in your early years, is a great place to start. Seek professional help if you are in serious trouble. Debt and arrears are extremely stressful and can take a toll on your entire system and possibly your whole life. Get professional advice.
Energetic Locks
Finally, from a yoga asana perspective, opt for grounding yoga poses—classes that involve more lying and sitting rather than a focus on standing poses and flows. For this reason, I recommend restorative or yin yoga over vinyasa if your focus is the root chakra. Don’t forget the bandha, or energetic locks; ensure you literally root and ground through your hands or feet using hasta or pada bandha, and ground through your sit bones in seated poses. The bandha bridges the connection between the physical and subtle or energy bodies. An awareness of the placement of your hands and feet, along with your connection to your mat—which represents the earth—will resonate deeply with the root chakra.