Summer Socials Alcohol Free
Discovering Joyful Summer Activities Without Alcohol - By Sarah Williamson
Reading time: 3 minutes
I’m alcohol-free, I’m sober curious, I no longer drink, I’m sober (however else you might like to say it) and I’ve learned a thing or two about how I best like to spend my time in the summer months and it hasn’t really turned out how I would have guessed.
I used to be lovingly known as the ‘social secretary’ within my friendship group and I used to relish that role.
"Who’s up for a BBQ," - Right! Leave it to me. Date, time, venue, menu, drinks sorted.
"Trip to the beach," invites issued, chiller organised.
"New Year’s Eve," games, food, drinks, done.
Random nights out , dinner, drinks, theatre trips, comedy events, birthdays, races? I’m your organised friend, you say yes and we’re off!
Assessing my relationship with alcohol has led to me assessing how I want to spend my time in the summer. I no longer value late nights and feeling low energy the next day. I value good sleep and the energy to get up and move my body in a way that feels joyful. Hangxiety, low-level brain fog and feelings of impending doom are gone!
A walk? Yes. A coffee date? Yes. Occasional brunch or lunch? Yes.
I took some time and found out a bit more about myself, I grew to like me. I now know I prefer mornings and walking. I prefer hot drinks and chats. I prefer evenings in. I love seeing my friends one-to-one or in small groups.
After years and years being happy in my oldest friendship circles, I’m actually enjoying making lots of new friends at the moment. My advice to you is to carry on socialising as you always did. But when you go out, ask yourself several times, “Am I loving this? Is this bringing me joy? Am I having fun? Is this what I want to be doing with my time?” If it is, great, if not, offer your friends other suggestions.
How about some activities that don’t centre around drinking*, they might just want a break too.
All those activities we tell ourselves we need a drink for - festivals, weddings, holidays - we really don't. The good times are tied up in the atmosphere and the company, not what's in our glass.
Perhaps you might enjoy some sober summer time this year - assess how it feels and then move forward mindfully.
*commission earned from this link.