Tantric Massage

The art of Tantric massage

The power of touch is a wonderful thing: Ben Carver outlines the healing effects of Tantric massage

Nothing can compare to the blissful and healing experience of Tantric massage, both as giver and a receiver. The massage leaves both in a profound state of happiness, fulfilment and sensuality, and it is also an amazingly effective method for regeneration, rejuvenation, healing and spiritual awakening.
Here are some of the beautiful benefits of Tantric massage:

Present Moment

All our limitations and problems exist solely in the mind and are entirely based upon past events or future concerns. If, however, we have an overwhelmingly intense experience of the present moment, the mind is lulled into silence and this becomes increasingly ecstatic as we are freed from everything that ever held us back. Moments of great beauty in nature, intense love for a dear one, or overwhelming pleasure can each have this effect and Tantric massage will eventually awaken all of them.


One of the easiest ways to stay in the present moment is to focus upon the senses. In massage the main medium is of course touch and throughout the massage the receiver is encouraged to focus their attention on the pleasurable physical sensations as the skin over their whole body is awakened with sensual and flowing touches. The beauty of this conscious touch deepens the anchoring in the present moment, and it can be felt how this beauty is actually nourishing the soul.

Spiritual Practice

The senses are more than just navigation tools, they are channels for nourishing the soul, which is awakened by beauty in all forms. The more we become aware of the soul through such experiences, the more we are freed from the tyranny of the mind struggling to maintain its dominance over us. As we awaken the soul, the more alive and vivid all the senses become, making all life more beautiful because we are increasingly able to give it our full attention.


Spiritual Practice
Tantric massage is a wonderful opportunity to train awareness during a richly sensorial experience. This implies that we simultaneously have a state of deep relaxation together with an alert lucidity — an essential attitude of the Tantric path. Training relaxed awareness greatly enhances yoga and meditation practice, allowing us to access the deeper layers of our being. Even more than this, it gradually helps us to be able to effortlessly interact with every moment of life, so that we are able to become truly free, spontaneous and happy in all life situations.


Ben Carver is a Tantra and Tantric Massage teacher at Tara Yoga Centre (tarayogacentre.co.uk)


“Every touch brought me into an ecstatic contemplation of the present moment and led me deep into my soul. I never felt so nourished, cared for and sensual.”

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.