The Happiness Explorer
How to…make a fresh start in September
By Lydia Kimmerling
September feels more like the start of New Year for me than January ever has. Maybe it has something to do with returning to school in September, after a lovely long break for the summer? With only four more months left in the year, once Halloween is out of the way, it’s basically Christmas and knowing that the end of the year is drawing in, it’s the perfect kick up your butt to make things happen. Which is why I declare September the best month for setting goals and working towards inspiring change in your life.
Let’s rewind to January of this year: what did you want to accomplish for 2022 and how’s that going so far now that you’re nine months in? Life can get busy and things don’t always work out as we had anticipated — my year has certainly gifted me some surprises. But then I have been doing deep work on being in my divine feminine and surrendering. It’s actually amazing how life can still bring you so much of what you want, without the constant push. I’ll tell you more about my journey with the masculine and feminine energy soon.
For now, how does a fresh start sound to you? Could turning a new page and starting a new chapter be exactly what’s needed to breathe life back into who you are and how you’re living your life at the moment? If so, this is the month to go for it.
To get started, let’s get down and dirty with the practical (and then we can get saucy with the spiritual). Ask yourself these questions:
• What do I need to see change in my life by the end of the year to feel like this has been an excellent year?
• What would working towards and accomplishing this change mean about me?
• If I wasn’t fearful of getting started, what one action could I take today? Great! Now let’s get out of the head and into the heart by answering these questions:
• What’s my intuition telling me about my next steps in life?
• How have I been neglecting my soul recently?
• If I was following my joy, where would that lead me?
In all honesty, you don’t need to wait for the New Year or for September to have a fresh start, the permission comes from you. We do, at times, need to give ourselves permission slips though, which can come in the form of vision boards, ceremonies, rituals or even a new haircut or a pair of shoes.
Do what you need to do to have the permission to turn that page and write a new chapter. Why not start this month?
Lydia Kimmerling (aka The Happiness Explorer) can help you to live…like really, truly live! There is so much more out there for you and she knows how to find it! Connect on Instagram @lydiakimmerling or find out more at: thehappinessexplorer.com