The Power of Meditation
The Transformative Power of Meditation in Managing Life's Challenges - By Emma Mills
Reading time: 4 minutes
Life can throw many curve balls our way and cause us to worry, feel anxious or stressed and when this replays in our minds or we struggle to control the constant worry, that is when we need to take steps to help ourselves.
Meditation teaches us to sit with uncomfortable feelings, to unbox how we feel and be okay with it, when we sit or lie down to meditate, we begin to control our attention and direct it inwards, which in our everyday busy lives we may not always have time to do.
When we sit in stillness and quiet, we are teaching our mind to observe and not react to our emotions and thoughts, so when stress or worry appear again outside of your practice, you can redirect it to quietly observe.
Sitting down to meditate can be difficult, it takes discipline, concentration and focus. You have to find the peaceful pool of water within which can be tricky to do everyday, but its recommended to get the most from your meditation practice that you carve out 10 to 20 minutes each day.
And once you have integrated this wonderful practice into your routine, you can reap so many rewards including;
- Lower blood pressure
- Decreased pain
- Improved immune system
- Better brain function
- Ease of anxiety
- Lower chance of heart disease
- More positive outlook
Many people have their own views on why meditation is so great for health and well-being, one theory being it slows the sympathetic nervous system which leads to a slower heart rate, relaxation and tension relief.
Although when we think of meditation, we picture sitting on a cushion on the floor, eyes closed, completely still, this method isn’t for everyone and there are many ways not just this one to practice for example;
Story visualisation – much like when you were a child listening to a story, mindful meditation can take the form of picturing a story to release thoughts and worries that do not serve you.
Walking meditation – Taking a walk in nature and recognizing the steps you are taking, how your feet feel on the ground, how the air feels on your face, they don’t say ‘taking a walk to clear my head’ for no reason.
Eating mindfully – When sitting down to eat, take each bite slowly, savour the taste, the flavours, focus on that one activity.
Yoga – This practice is based on moving with the breathe and creates time to slow the mind whilst reducing stress.
Tai Chi – Similar to yoga, this exercise encourages slow but controlled movement and focus, creating a peaceful haven in our minds.
Often we get caught up in the whirlwind that is our busy minds, our minds are clever like this, they like to take control, but with the use of meditation, you can control your thoughts, feelings and emotions, you can learn to manage and observe how you feel rather than acting on an impulsive emotional state.
Every time you sit down to meditate, you are increasing your natural power to focus and control your thoughts and in turn this creates better, more thought out opportunities throughout life for yourself and your personal growth.
~ “We can’t always change what’s around us, but we can change what happens within us” ~ Andy Puddicombe.