The power of permission
Cultivating a practice of curiosity in order to reclaim our personal power. By Lauren Bloxham
It becomes a knowledge-gathering exercise as we pay attention to what is asked of us, what our situation looks and feels like, how we are being treated and how that makes us feel. As we gather that knowledge, we gather perspective and clarity.
This is the point of transformation. The moment we have clarity is the moment we hold the power to act on our own behalf. This is the point where we give ourselves permission to hold the value of our vitality, creativity, and wisdom and to preserve it or to enhance it.
This is the space we cultivate for ourselves in which nothing external can hold power over us anymore. Instead, we hold power within our circumstances and relationships, and in giving ourselves permission to hold our power, we point those around us towards theirs. Our circumstances, relationships and actions become empowering.
It starts with curiosity, and as always, our yoga mats are the perfect place to practice. Come to a comfortable seat and begin to be curious about the feet. Feeling the soles of each foot noticing temperature and sensation. Invite movement into the toes, allowing the toes to curl and stretch.

Move awareness to the ankles and invite movement here. Notice how the ankles flex and extend and how that feels. Notice the left ankle then the right as you circle each together and separately. Do they feel warm, tight, do they click or creak, are they comfortable?
As you invite a sense of curiosity, the mind shifts from being an instructive mind, to a witnessing mind and you gather information about the condition of the feet and ankles. With this knowledge we can empower ourselves to stretch and move in a way that serves and nourishes us.
We can apply this curiosity to our whole physical body, to places of pain or injury. We can extend the practice towards our thoughts and emotions, being curious about the passing textures and colours of our minds, the light, the dark, the intense and the vulnerable.
With curiosity we gather knowledge, and with this knowledge we empower ourselves to become our greatest advocates, our own best friends, and our most loyal companions in whatever circumstances we find ourselves experiencing.
Lauren Bloxham holds space for self-enquiry through movement, mindfulness and meditation, online, in-person and on retreat. Visit blackdogliving.com for classes and events.