The secret language of the body

The Secret Language of the Body

To create better mental health we need to reconnect our mind and body. By Jennifer Mann

Reading time: 3 minutes

When yoga is a part of your life, you know how important movement and awareness of the body are to your physical and mental health. But you may be missing an essential piece of holistic health and wellbeing: tuning into and influencing your nervous system to regulate it. The nervous system lies at the core of the mind-body connection, like a behind-the-scenes manager that facilitates communication between your mind and body.

By learning a bit more about how this system works and how you can regulate it, you can learn to reconnect your mind and body and take your mental health to a whole new and profound level of healing.

Understanding nervous system regulation

The balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is at the heart of ‘regulation’. The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for 'fight or flight' responses during stress, increasing heart rate and energy release. In contrast, the parasympathetic system, through the vagus nerve — which has two branches, the ventral and dorsal — promotes 'rest and digest' activities that calm the body and aid in recovery. The ventral vagal branch helps one feel connected and calm, while the dorsal branch can induce a shutdown response under extreme stress.

When this delicate balance is disrupted, it can lead to a host of mental and physical problems: chronic stress from prolonged sympathetic activation depletes the body and inadequate activation of the parasympathetic system, especially the ventral vagus nerve, can hinder our ability to relax and recuperate, deeply affecting both mental and physical health.

In our hurried, modern lives, many of us experience prolonged periods of stress which contributes to dysregulation. Learning how to regulate the nervous system can help you not only manage your mental health but help you build an embodied awareness to help shift the survival mode of your nervous system into a mode where it can learn to thrive.

Four strategies for nervous system regulation and deeper mind-body connection

Vagus Nerve Stimulation:

Different methods of stimulation can help promote a sense of calm. Try tapping on different areas of the body, gargling, humming, massaging the sides of your neck, or splashing your face with cold water.
Try it now: stand up straight and tall, begin tapping your whole body for up to three minutes. Then, pause and notice the sensations on the skin, the lowering of your heart rate and the calming feeling of relief.


Techniques that combine diaphragmatic breathing and vocalisations, like the ‘Voo’ sound, help activate the vagus nerve and promote recovery and relaxation.
Try it now: inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth while saying VOOOO to signal to the body that it's safe to rest and unwind, easing feelings of stress and anxiety.

Somatosensory stimulation:

Engaging in somatosensory practices, such as walking barefoot in nature or focusing on touching different textures like sand and clay, helps cultivate a felt sense of embodiment, presence, and safety.
Try it now: Stand up barefoot for one moment and walk around the space you're in noticing the texture beneath your feet. Then, allow your hands to touch the different textures around you and notice how this practice positively changes the experience in your mind and body.

Social connection:

Human connection plays a crucial role in nervous system regulation and engages what is called the social engagement system. Other than spending time with loved ones, joining a community group, or seeking support from a therapist, practicing social engagement system exercises can have a profound impact on your mental health and sense of belonging.
Try it now: Allow your eyes to look around the space you're in until they land on something pleasant. Then, take a moment to notice what happens in your body as you appreciate the experience of being connected to the environment around you. Smile. Give yourself a hug. And then try this practice with a friend or loved one by simply making eye contact and appreciating one another’s presence and energy.

Embracing the language of the body

Our body has a language of its own, communicating through sensations and emotions and subtle cues. By tuning into the language of the body we can gain valuable insights into our emotional state, identify areas of tension or discomfort and cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness. This process will help us build a resilient mind-body connection.
Try it now: Close your eyes and ask yourself: What is happening for me right now? Notice the sensations and experiences that come to you and simply practice being curious over being judgmental. Then ask your body what it needs and provide that need in the form of words, gestures, actions or thoughts.

In our pursuit of better mental health, appreciating and regulating our nervous system is undeniably key. Through practices that promote vagus nerve activity and listening to our body's signals, we can grow greater psycho-emotional resilience and vitality. Let us embrace the language of the body, heed its wisdom and heal ourselves.

Jennifer Mann is co-author of The Secret Language of the Body and co-founder of Somia International. Follow her on IG: @iamjenmann

Om Magazine

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