Three Yin and Three Yang Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief
Struggling with back pain? here are some yoga poses for back pain relief and balance - By Laurel Stuart
Reading time: 5 minutes
Yoga is one of the best exercises we can do to relieve back pain. In yoga there are a wide range of postures that move our spine through flexion (forward bending), side flexion (bending to the left or right), extension (backward bending), and rotation (twisting). The poses below can be used to gently stretch the muscles of the back and promote back stability. Use the yin yoga postures on the days when you need a more gentle, slower paced practice. Aim to practice the yin yoga poses anywhere from one minute to three minutes. Use the yang yoga postures on the days you want to focus on building muscle strength. You can practice the yang postures more than once in a session, staying anywhere from 3 to 10 breaths in each pose. These yin and yang yoga postures can also be combined in different ways for a longer practice. Check out the sequencing ideas at the end of the article.

Reclining Twist

Knee To Chest Pose

Begin lying on the floor, feet flat on the floor. On your exhale draw your left knee towards your chest. You may keep the right foot flat on the floor or straighten your right leg, depending on the sensations you are experiencing in the position or if you want to intensify the stretch. Use your arms to help you move deeper into the pose, hugging your left thigh in towards your chest if it feels good. Your hands can be on the left shin or hamstring. Relax as much as you can your neck, shoulders and upper body. Find stillness for at least a minute. Repeat the pose on the opposite side.
Downward Facing Dog

Come on to your hands and knees, start with your wrists under the shoulders and your knees under your hips. On an exhale curl your toes under and straighten the legs as much as you comfortably can. Press down through the hands and as you exhale reach the hips back in the direction of your heels. This should create a gentle traction through your spine. Focus on your lower back, as you inhale feel the muscles in the lower back expanding. As you exhale pull your belly in and continue to reach gently through your hips. Work with your knees bent if you need to. Sometimes working with the knees bent may also deepen the stretch in the lower back. Stay for as many breaths as feels good to you.
Twisting Horse Stance

Open your legs approximately 3 feet apart and bend your knees. Rest your hands on your mid thighs. Inhale and lift your chest away from the diaphragm, exhale and move your right shoulder towards your left knee, twisting your core. With both hands pressing firmly into your thighs, inhale and continue to lift the ribs moving the ribs towards the left knee, as you exhale pull your belly in gently tuck the tailbone down towards the floor. Breathe into your lower back for a few breaths then repeat on the other side.

Start lying down, your feet flat on the floor hips width apart. If you can, touch your heels with your fingertips, then relax your arms by your sides. Inhale and lift your ribs towards your chin. On your exhale lift your hips then your back away from the floor. Press your feet down onto the floor. Keep your neck relaxed. On your inhales lift your ribs towards your chin. Use your buttock muscles on your exhales to tuck your tailbone, feel for creating length in your lower back. Work only as deeply as you can into the pose without creating sensations of strain in your lower back. Stay in the pose 3 to 10 breaths. There should be no pain coming into, staying, or getting out of the pose.
2. Twisting Horse Stance
3. Knee To Chest Pose
4. Reclining Twist
2. Downward facing dog
3. Twisting Horse Stance