Greetings yoga rockstars!
Not long now till the OM Yoga Show, so book those tickets if you haven’t done so yet. Our show at London’s Alexandra Palace is Europe’s biggest yoga event, a long weekend of fun, learning and super-amazing things, attracting tens of thousands of people and some of the world’s best and brightest teaching talent.
Invest in your health and vitality and make the time to visit: roll out your mat for a free practice, breathe free and easy, meditate, and learn something new in the lecture theatre…then shop till you drop afterwards in the largest yoga market you’ll ever see! It’s all things yoga under one big, beautiful, happy roof.
Read about some of the things you can expect to see inside this issue, including a sponsored 30-minute headstand challenge led by the charity The Prison Phoenix Trust with inspirational former inmate, Paul. There’s also a preview of our sister show, The Mind Body Soul Experience, which you can gain free access to with your OM Yoga Show tickets.
There’s lots of other goodies inside our August issue as well, with profiles of some incredible teachers and personalities, including our cover model, Donna Noble (who’ll also be at the show). Read on for more practical yoga articles, including a look at some online yoga options, healthy eating inspiration, and unlimited good vibes — it’s all in this month’s issue of OM.

Issue #144 - August 2023
Yogi: Donna Noble
Website - thenobleartofyoga.co.uk
IG - @donnanobleyoga
Photographer: Cecilia Cristolovean-Csiky
Website - yogaandphoto.com