Welcome - July 2022
Welcome to our July issue. Inside, we’ve got everything you need to make your yoga summer amazing. That includes insight and inspiration from top teachers, yoga tutorials, our anatomy class, plus recipes, and all the latest healthy foods and fab fashion. Our special report this month is aimed at beginners. If you’re new to the world of yoga then hopefully we can inspire you on your journey…and if you haven’t started yet, then now’s the time! Getting started is easy to do. Yoga is for everyone and every body; wherever you are in your life right now, there’s a yoga out there that’s perfect for you. You don’t need anything to start, just a willingness to give it a go. It might just change your life.
There are so many reasons to do yoga, from improved health to inner calm, but the best one of all is that it just feels great. That post-yoga buzz that everyone gets after class is simply amazing. It’s also an ideal way to meet new friends and join a like minded community of super soul seekers just like you. I’ve had so many wonderful yoga experiences, both on and off the mat…from feeling ‘at home’ in my own body after a class and less distracted, to chatting with the good folk afterwards, sharing spiritual insights and meaningful banter rather than just griping about the British weather. (FYI: The worst day of my yoga life was when I discovered that downward dog was a resting pose — still getting my head round that one!)
We’ve also got a special report this month on all the yummy yoga retreats going on this year. If you really want to change your life then book yourself onto one today…there’s no better feeling than immersing yourself into a week or weekend of pure yoga indulgence. Enjoy the journey.