
A 360º overview of...

Triangle Pose (TRIKONASANA)

With Dr Kiki Morriss

Triangles are fundamental to the way we build our environments, as they are exceptionally strong and stable. They hold their shape when under extreme pressure and are used in many of our most renowned architectural wonders such as the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Louvre Pyramid and the Eiffel Tower to create long lasting, magnificent buildings.

In Triangle Pose your body creates several triangles. As you breathe in the position, experience a profound sense of strength, stability and power. Feel grounded on the earth and within yourself. Release fear in order to invite security


  • Start in Mountain Pose
  • Step your feet about 1.5 metres apart.
  • Turn your left foot in 45 degrees
  • Turn your right foot out 90 degrees.
  • Align your heels with each other.
  • Lift your arms at shoulder height with your palms facing downwards.
  • Move your spine into a side bend, so your upper torso is parallel to the ground
  • Rest your right hand lightly on your right foot or shin.
  • Lift your left arms directly upwards
  • Move your left shoulder and hip slightly back.
  • Turn your head to gaze at your left hand.


  • Your focal point (dristi) is at your upper hand


  • Engage your psoas muscle to flex your trunk over your thigh.


  • Use your erector spinae muscles and oblique abdominals on the lower side to laterally bend your upper body
  • Lengthen along your spine from your coccyx to the crown of your head.


  • Use your quadriceps to straighten your knees.
  • Keep your front knee straight, but do not hyperextend it.
  • Press into the outer edge of your back foot and avoid rolling onto the inside of the foot
  • Lift the inner arch of your back foot.
  • Work both of your legs equally by pressing through both feet.
  • Feel the stretch of the hamstrings and gluteus maximus of your front leg.
  • Feel the stretch of the calf muscles of your back leg


  • Use your triceps to straighten your arms.
  • Soften your shoulders away from your ears using the lower third of your trapezius
  • Engage your infraspinatus and teres minor muscles to externally rotate both your shoulders.
  • Reach upwards through your top arm and fingers.
  • Move your upper shoulder and hip slightly back in order to stack your shoulders one above the other. As you do this feel your chest opening
  • Do not put weight on your lower hand. Instead rely on your core muscles to support you.


  • Lengthen through the sides of your body


  • Turn your head gently, so you are looking at your upper hand.


  • Breathe five times in the pose. Keep your breath slow and steady.
  • Then repeat the pose on the other side.
Triangle Pose


  • Stretches and strengthens your legs, including your knees, ankles, hips, groin and hamstrings
  • Opens your chest and shoulders
  • Laterally flexes your spine
  • Balances your Muladhara Chakra, the energetic field at the base of your spine. This allows you to experience strength and stability, whilst providing you with a solid foundation for life.


  • Practice with caution if you have neck, back or groin issues.


  • Vulputate dignissim suspendisse in est ante
  • Purus sit amet volutpat consequat
  • Avoid the temptation of bending your front knee to get your front hand to the floor. Place your lower hand on a yoga block if necessary.
  • If you have neck issues, keep your head in line with your upper body rather than looking upwards
  • Practice Reverse Triangle Pose after Triangle Pose.

Doctor Kiki Morriss is a medical doctor, yoga teacher, yoga therapist and founder of Primrose Hill Yoga, where she teaches adults, children and families. Visit: or

Om Magazine

First published in November 2009, OM Yoga magazine has become the most popular yoga title in the UK. Available from all major supermarkets, independents and newsstands across the UK. Also available on all digital platforms.