Yoga and Skin: The Science Between ‘Yoga Glow'

Yoga and Skin

The Science Between ‘Yoga Glow' - By Beth Rush

Reading time: 3 minutes

Does yoga make your skin glow? Discover if this traditional exercise can help you achieve your skin goals.

You’ve likely heard many things about the power of yoga, including better flexibility and stress reduction. If you practice yoga regularly, you may notice its glowing effects on your skin. Does yoga make your skin glow? Discover the scientific explanation behind it.

Does Yoga Make Your Skin Glow?

Yoga is a mind-body exercise that helps increase blood flow to all organs, including your skin. When this happens, your skin cells get more oxygen and nutrients, producing a healthy, radiant glow. Certain postures can help boost blood flow in your face to enhance circulation underneath the skin.

Another way yoga helps improve skin health is through sleep regulation. Yoga is associated with mindfulness and breathing awareness, which helps reduce stress and put your mind at ease before bedtime. When relaxed, you can get “beauty rest” and enjoy a glowing complexion the next day.

Does Face Yoga Increase Collagen?

Face yoga is a trending beauty hack on TikTok. This practice focuses on relaxing and toning facial muscles for a natural facelift. Danielle Collins, a popular face yoga instructor, says it can stimulate collagen production and help boost blood circulation, resulting in glowing complexion. 

However, there is still little evidence about the efficacy of this trend, unlike traditional yoga and cosmetic procedures — an industry projected to grow to around $145 billion by 2028. It’s worth a try, but it’ll take time to see results.

3 Yoga Poses for Healthy Skin

Now that you know yoga can make your skin glow, it helps to know which poses can best help you achieve your skin goals. Try out the following poses.

1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog)

This pose encourages blood circulation to your face, promoting a brighter complexion:

  • Come to all fours — place your hands and knees on the mat.
  • Slowly raise your hips until you form an inverted V-shape.
  • Keep your head between your arms.


2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

The cobra pose helps stretch your lower back and open your chest, boosting your oxygen supply:

  • Lie on your stomach — your legs straight and feet hip-distance apart.
  • Place your palms on the mat, slightly to the side of your shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward. Your elbows should point backward and close to your sides.
  • Breathe in and push up, lifting your head and chest. Keep your pelvis pressed to the mat.
  • Focus on lifting your chest upward.
  • Breathe out, release the pose and move your body back to the mat.

3. Balasana (Child’s Pose)

This restorative pose can help stretch your back muscles and improve blood and oxygen flow. Skip this if you have an injured knee:

  • Kneel and sit back on your heels.
  • Lean forward while keeping your buttocks on your heels.
  • Rest your head on the mat and stretch your arms forward.

Other Skin-Boosting Practices to Try Out

There are other healthy ways to boost your skin health. Eating a balanced diet is one example — anti-inflammatory foods, such as cilantro, blueberries, mung beans and lean grass-fed proteins can help support skin integrity and provide essential nutrients for overall wellness. Bone broth, fish, chicken and beef contain high levels of collagen that help improve skin health. 

Sun protection is also vital for glowing skin. Whenever possible, wear sunscreen with SPF 30 and sun-protective clothing, such as sunglasses and a hat. 

Achieve Glowing Skin With Yoga

Instead of spending money on the latest skincare items, make time for yoga to achieve a glowing complexion. Pair it with other habits — such as eating properly and sun protection — to enjoy healthy skin, mind and body.

Beth Rush

Beth is the mental health editor at Body+Mind. She has 5+ years of experience writing about behavioral health, specifically mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.